Chapter 2: A Different World

"Comprehensive," she said with a self-assured grin. "Let's hear this proposition then, Mr. Kings." With a low monotonous voice, John started outlining the specifics, and Marie understood she was entering a world far different from the one she knew. A world of neatly manicured facades, social commitments, and unfathomable riches. It was a world with the potential to be freeing, but it also carried the risk of heartache. However, as Marie listened closely, a resolve began to grow inside her. She was acting in her family's best interests as well as her own. She would make her way through this unfamiliar land, become the ideal wife in name only, and come out stronger, her aspirations at last within grasp. Days flew by in a haze of activity. Marie's reality changed from the far-off abstraction that was John Kings' universe. Her little flat was taken over by a group of stylists who changed her clothes from affordable to high-end brands. Her days were occupied with seminars on social media savvy, manners, and the background of the Kings family's wealth. John was still a frightening presence even if he wasn't around often. He would show up out of the blue, probing her about esoteric charitable projects or the subtleties of ballroom dance. Marie felt as if she were an actor practicing for a part because of his cold approach, which supplied no warmth. Marie felt a wave of loneliness one evening as she rehearsed her coursework in front of a full-length mirror. Her little flat, which had formerly been a comfortable sanctuary, seemed oppressively small due to the pressure of expectations. She reached for her phone and typed a number she knew. "Hey, Sarah," she said, feeling relieved as her closest friend responded. "Marie! How are things going for you? I began to get concerned about the quiet radio." After a moment of hesitation, Marie blurted out "wife in name only" and began a frantic description of her new existence. Ever the optimist, Sarah shouted with delight. "You know, living it up? Do you think you'll ever adjust to it? The question remained unanswered. "I'm not sure," Marie said. It's all very...unique. There are masks on everyone in this place." "Well, keep your head up," Sarah firmly said. "Marie, you are powerful. Everything is within your reach." A sliver of normality among the chaos was the pledge they made to meet again soon at the conclusion of their chat. Marie was transported to John's business offices, a glass and steel behemoth that towered over everything around, in a sleek black sedan the next morning. "Mr. Kings has asked for you to come to his office," the driver said in a stern voice. Taking a deep breath, Marie fortified herself. The lavish workplace seemed considerably more chilly than normal. With his back to the window, John stood staring out at the skyline. He said, "You're here," without looking back. "Yes, Mr. Kings," Marie said in a somewhat too formal tone. "Tonight is the charity gala. The Kings Foundation's yearly fundraising." At last, he turned, his eyes focused. "You'll be accompanying me, of course." Marie gave a nod. "Of course." "All right. The media will be present. For the love of God, try not to trip over your own feet, smile, and project charm." His acerbic tone made Marie tense. "I believe I can manage that, Mr. Kings." A flash of something that could have been amusement crossed his face as he lifted an eyebrow. "We shall see, Mrs. Kings." When she spoke the name out for the first time, it seemed strange. But before she could respond, John dismissed her by turning back to the metropolis. The nighttime came, a flurry of cameras and flashing lights. John accompanied her like a lovely ornament, neatly attired in a fitted tuxedo. Marie was wearing a borrowed designer gown that felt as heavy as a crown. She had a fixed grin on her face and her prepared answers were speaking like a script. John was once trapped by a lady wearing a tight crimson dress and scorching red hair. Olivia was there, a buddy from John's youth, her grin piercing and menacing. She said, "John, darling," her eyes darting to Marie. "Who is this lovely…stranger?" John looked from Olivia to Marie and back again. A spark of something frigid passed between them for a time. "Olivia, please meet my wife, Marie," he remarked icily. Marie gave her a courteous smile, but Olivia's eyes were fixated on her, a chilly determination leaking from them. John eventually talked later that evening when they stood beside an empty balcony. "She doesn't like you," he said in an inarticulate voice. Marie let out a sigh. "Your friend, Ms. Thorne?" He corrected her, saying, "Olivia, and yes, she clearly doesn't approve." "Well, that's unfortunate," said Marie. "But not exactly a dealbreaker, is it?" John turned to face her, his countenance weird. He spoke "No," very slowly, "I suppose not." When their eyes briefly met, a sudden and unexpected light appeared in John's normally icy and guarded blue eyes. This spark mirrored the one Marie experienced. It was gone as fast as it had arrived, giving way to his typical stoicism. With a clipped voice, he remarked, "Let's just get through the night," and moved away, essentially brushing her off. The remainder of the evening dragged on, a haze of forced good looks and courteous banter. Marie experienced a feeling of tiredness when they eventually managed to leave the gala's stuffy environment. There was a tense stillness on the limousine trip back to John's luxury residence. Gazing out the window, Marie saw the shimmering city lights against the pitch-black sky. John felt as powerful next to her as the city itself. When they arrived at the lavish high-rise, John got out of the vehicle silently, leaving Marie to follow. Tonight, the huge, impersonal penthouse apartment seemed even more alienating. "Well, that was...interesting," Marie finally murmured, breaking the quiet. John arched an eyebrow, briefly displaying a glimmer of humor in his gaze. "Interesting?" Marie said, "That's definitely not what I'm used to." "But then again, not much in my life has been 'interesting' lately." John's eyes loosened a little. "No, I suppose not." After a little pause, he said, "You handled yourself well tonight." Even though it was just a little compliment, John's words seemed like a success. Marie said, "Thank you," with a sincere grin on her face. She paused before continuing, saying, "It wasn't easy, but I managed." John looked at her for a minute, his face expressionless. Then, rather unexpectedly, he pointed to the floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the city. "Would you care to see the view from the rooftop terrace?" Marie's expression must have shown her astonishment. "The rooftop?" Simply put, "It's quieter up there," he added. Marie nodded, intrigued. They went up a secret staircase and came out into a moonlit private patio. In front of them, the city unfurled like a brilliant tapestry of sparkling lights. A relaxed quietness enveloped them, a sharp contrast to the strained small talk of the evening. A gentle wind played with Marie's hair as she rested against the railing. Whispering, "It's beautiful," she looked out at the metropolis.

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