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Chapter 3 Marriage And Rules

“I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride.” Mirabel looked at the man shyly as she turned toward the Judge who had just wedded them. She was standing before the marriage courthouse in New York and she had just had a quick marriage with a man she didn't know his name all to save her mother. In less than twenty-four hours she has sold herself to an unknown stranger who needed a docile wife. The wedding proceedings had taken less than ten minutes for them to get up to this point and now as Mirabel stared at the young man with cold steel eyes she wondered if this was such a good idea. However, he didn't allow her to dwell so much on that fact as he grabbed her chin roughly and kissed her. The kiss was rough and short – not quite how she had expected her wedding kiss to be but she couldn't complain. “There, it's done, Mirabel. Stop acting like a teenager and get your act together, you're twenty-one not sixteen!” the man whispered in her ears when he pulled away from her. Mirabel frowned as her embarrassed blush was replaced with primal anger. Who the fuck does he think he is to speak to her like that? And who told him her age? How much does he know about her? “Congratulations Mr. And Mrs. Chase Darwin,” the Judge announced. Mirabel’s brain froze for a second as she stared at the man before her, a wicked smirk forming on his lips. “I'm sorry I skipped the introductions, darling, I'm Chase Darwin, your new husband,” he smirked. Mirabel’s mouth hung open in shock as she held the marriage certificate while he led her out of the courthouse. This was the first time she had seen him have an expression other than being cold and stoic on his face. This was also the first time she realized she had just sold herself off to the most notorious wealthy man in Miami. “That's probably why the people in the bar were scared of you,” she muttered as the puzzles started fitting the boxes. Chase led her to the limousine where his bodyguards and driver were waiting. “Get in,” he ordered. Mirabel was too dazed to argue as she entered the car without making a fuss while her mind wandered at the mention of the family name she had just married into. Darwin – that name elicited respect and regard from everyone familiar with that name in Miami. They were one of the wealthiest families and rumors have it that they sponsored the current presidential election single-handedly which is why they had friends in high places. Now Chase Darwin – adding the two names together elicited respect, regard, and fear. Chase is not a legitimate son of the Darwin family, he was a product of his father’s affair with his mistress who was his father’s true love. Due to political and business reasons, Lancelot Darwin – Chase's father – hadn't been able to marry the woman of his choice but he kept her as his mistress and they produced an heir. It wasn't until Chase's father died when he was barely eighteen that the world knew of his existence. Lancelot had willed everything he had to his illegitimate son, Chase. It created a scandal. But Chase wanted to claim his father’s heritage and his rights as the Darwin son. No one knew how he did it but he had managed to silence every single member of the Darwin family and taken over his late father’s properties. After managing his father’s company for ten years, he expanded it as his company and became wealthier than the Darwin Group Of Companies combined. Ever since then, he's commanded the respect of many people and he has also commanded fear as no one knew how a twenty-eight-year-old was able to defeat the entire Darwin clan. “If you're done reflecting on my life, get down from the car we have arrived,” Chase's voice interrupted Mirabel’s thoughts. Mirabel blinked and looked out of the tinted car windows and saw she was in a vast compound. The car door opened and one of the bodyguards helped her out. “I wasn't…” she attempted to say but Chase’s sharp voice interrupted her. “Yes, you were. Everyone who hears my name always has that same look on their face for a couple of minutes,” Chase stated. Mirabel kept quiet and stared at the huge mansion. It felt like she had walked into a Cinderella movie where she was the outsider and Chase was the Prince. The waterfall in the middle of the compound held sparking water that cascaded upon the ice sculpture of a fearful lion. “Come,” Chase's impatient voice sounded again. That was when she realized she had been staring at the house while he left her. She ran up to him and entered the elevator which led them to the last floor of the penthouse. The elevator door opened into a lavish sitting room and they stepped out. Two women and a man were standing in the sitting room waiting for them. “Master Chase, you came back with a girl,” one of the women commented, surprised. Chase didn't reply, he just handed her his briefcase and jacket before walking upstairs leaving Mirabel to stand cluelessly in the sitting room. The woman with his jacket and briefcase disappeared with him upstairs while she shuffled her feet staring at the man and woman in the sitting room. “Good afternoon,” Mirabel greeted them politely. “Welcome, Miss, who are you?” the woman asked. Mirabel cleared her throat nervously, she didn't know if she should introduce herself as his wife or not. “I'm Mirabel,” she said instead. The woman smiled, “You’re so pretty. This is the first time our young master is bringing a girl to the house.” Mirabel nodded at her as the man regarded her curiously. “I'm Lee, young master Butler, and this is Rosa, the housekeeper,” the man said. “Nice to meet you, Lee and Rosa,” Mirabel smiled politely at them. They left her in the sitting room as she looked around the massive room wondering what she would do or where Chase had disappeared to. After what seemed like forever when in reality it was just a few minutes, Chase came downstairs with some papers in his hands. “Here, this is the marriage contract. Read it and sign,” he stated. Mirabel glanced at the document reading where he stated that they had to act accordingly as married couples in public. She was free to do whatever she wanted and they had to sleep in the same room so the servants would believe their marriage. “You're taking the couch right?” Mirabel asked him immediately, gulping softly. He eyed her curiously before nodding, “Sleeping arrangements can be compromised.” Mirabel sighed happily as she continued reading. It stated that she would be getting a monthly allowance from him and in the course of their divorce after five years she would be rewarded properly. Chase was also going to be in charge of her mother’s treatment. But the place she didn't understand was where he said she would have to do something for him. “What something?” she asked, curious, “It wasn't stated here.” Chase smirked, “When it's time you'll know.” “But…” Mirabel tried to protest. Chase shook his head placing a finger on her lips as she shuddered slightly, “No buts, it's a deal, you're saving your mother’s life.” Mirabel swallowed softly and signed the documents wondering what her life had become.

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