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Karina's head snapped up, her eyes wide with surprise. "You knew?" "Yes," John confirmed, his gaze unwavering. "But knowing that didn't change how I felt about you." He reached out, his fingers gently tracing the curve of her cheek. "Karina," he said, his voice a low murmur, "run away with me. Forget the wedding, forget the expectations. We could be happy together, free from all this." His words held a seductive power, a promise of a life she could only dream of. But the weight of her family's expectations, the fear of disappointing her parents, held her back. Tears welled up in her eyes. "I can't," she choked out, her voice thick with emotion. "I can't break their trust like that." John's expression hardened for a fleeting moment, a flicker of something dark crossing his features. But then, just as quickly, it was gone, replaced by a mask of resignation. He released her gently, a hollow smile playing on his lips. "I understand," he said, his voice flat. "Perhaps this was a mistake." Confusion washed over Karina. "John, what are you saying?" John stood up, offering a hand to help her up. "I believe it's time for you to leave," he said, his voice devoid of warmth. "Your transport is waiting." Karina stumbled to her feet, her mind reeling. One moment he was confessing his feelings, the next he was pushing her away. The John who had been charming and attentive moments ago seemed to have vanished, replaced by a cold stranger. "But… John," she stammered, desperate for an explanation. John's gaze held a hint of something she couldn't decipher – regret, anger, or something entirely different. But before she could ask another question, he turned away, his voice firm. "Go," he said, a single word that echoed in the stillness of the night. Heartbroken and confused, Karina followed the path back to the limousine, her steps heavy with a weight far greater than the disappointment of lost love. The magical evening had turned into a cruel reminder of her restricted reality. As the limousine whisked her away, she stole one last glance at the secluded clearing, a single tear tracing a path down her cheek. The sleek limousine glided through the city streets, the dim lights of the buildings blurring past the tinted windows. Karina sat in the plush leather seat, her hands clenched tightly in her lap. She stared out the window, her eyes glazed over with unshed tears. John's abrupt dismissal replayed in her mind like a broken record. One minute, he had been charming and attentive, his words painting a tantalizing picture of freedom and romance. The next, he had turned cold, shutting her out without explanation. The driver cleared his throat, breaking the heavy silence. "Miss Gomez? We'll be arriving at your residence shortly." Karina nodded numbly, not trusting her voice. The driver studied her reflection in the rearview mirror, his expression inscrutable. "Mr. Hardy is a complicated man," he said after a pause. "Charming on the surface, but intensely private beneath it all." Karina turned to face him, her brow furrowed. "What do you mean?" The driver shrugged. "I've worked for Mr. Hardy for many years. He's not one to open up easily, especially about his business dealings. Tonight was likely no exception." A flicker of understanding dawned on Karina. Perhaps John's sudden coldness had nothing to do with her, but rather his inherent mistrust of others. "I see," she murmured, her shoulders slumping. The driver offered her a sympathetic glance. "For what it's worth, Miss Gomez, I've never seen Mr. Hardy treat a woman the way he treated you tonight. Whatever transpired, I suspect it meant something to him." Karina pondered his words in silence as the limousine pulled up to her family's brownstone. She bid the driver a quiet thanks and stepped out onto the sidewalk, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. As she entered the familiar warmth of her home, she was immediately enveloped in a flurry of activity. Her mother bustled out of the kitchen, a wide smile plastered on her face. "Karina, darling! There you are. We were beginning to worry." Her gaze swept over Karina's disheveled appearance, and her smile faltered. "Is everything alright, dear?" Before Karina could respond, a deep voice boomed from the living room. "Ah, there she is! The lovely bride-to-be!" Karina's stomach twisted as Matt Hogan strode into the foyer, a wolfish grin stretching across his features. He was tall and broad-shouldered, with a square jaw and piercing blue eyes. Undeniably handsome, but with an air of arrogance that instantly put Karina on edge. "Matt," she said, forcing a smile. "I didn't expect to see you here." Matt chuckled, a deep rumble that sent an unpleasant shiver down Karina's spine. "Surprise! I thought it would be a wonderful idea to have a little family dinner to get better acquainted with my future wife." Karina shot a pleading look at her mother, who seemed oblivious to her discomfort. "Isn't this exciting, dear? A chance to really get to know the man you'll be spending the rest of your life with!" The words felt like a physical blow, and Karina had to resist the urge to double over. Instead, she plastered on a tight smile and nodded. "Of course. How wonderful." Dinner was a strained affair, with Karina's parents doting over Matt like a prized possession. They laughed at his jokes, no matter how crass, and praised his business acumen at every opportunity. Karina, on the other hand, found herself shrinking further and further into her chair as the evening wore on. Matt's behavior grew increasingly boorish, from the way he slurped his soup to the leering glances he cast her way. At one point, he reached across the table and grabbed her hand, his grip uncomfortably tight. "You know, Karina, I have to admit – when our parents first proposed this arrangement, I was skeptical. But now that I've seen you in the flesh, I must say, I'm quite pleased." He licked his lips, his eyes raking over her body in a way that made Karina's skin crawl. "Yes, very pleased indeed." Karina yanked her hand back, her cheeks burning with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. "Excuse me," she muttered, pushing her chair back from the table. "I need some air." She fled the dining room, her parents' concerned voices trailing after her. Once in the safety of her bedroom, she collapsed onto the bed, burying her face in her pillow. Hot tears streamed down her cheeks, the weight of her situation pressing down on her like a physical force. Matt was a brute, a far cry from the charming, cultured man she had always envisioned marrying. And yet, her parents seemed blind to his glaring flaws, dazzled by his wealth and status. Worse still, the memory of John's kiss lingered on her lips, a cruel reminder of what could have been. She squeezed her eyes shut, willing the thoughts away, but they refused to dissipate.

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