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The insistent chirping of the alarm clock dragged Karina from a fitful sleep. The previous night's events felt like a bizarre dream, a tangled mess of fear, adrenaline, and the grotesque image of Rex. Determined to put it all behind her, she rose and went through the morning routine on autopilot. Hot water cascaded down her body, washing away sweat and the lingering sense of unease. But as she lathered her hair, a shard of shattered memory sliced through her focus – Rex's chilling laughter echoing through the alley. She squeezed her eyes shut, willing the image away. Yet, the memory refused to fade. It lurked at the edges of her vision, a persistent shadow. Wrapping herself in a towel, she stepped out of the bathroom, the scent of freshly brewed coffee a familiar comfort. Downstairs, the murmur of her parents’ voices and the clatter of dishes greeted her. She found them at the dining table, her father engrossed in a newspaper while her mother buzzed around, arranging plates piled high with pancakes. “Morning, sleepyhead!” Sarah called out, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Karina, finally!” Her mother beamed, placing a steaming mug of coffee in front of her. "Your father and I have wonderful news.” Karina forced a smile, her stomach churning with a premonition. "News? What kind of news?" “It seems our families will soon be intertwined,” her father announced, lowering his newspaper with a flourish. "The Gomezes and the Hogans – such a perfect union, wouldn't you agree?" Karina felt a cold dread pool in her gut. "The Hogans? As in... Matt?" Her mother practically squealed, clapping her hands together. "Yes, darling! Matt has finally convinced his parents to agree to the arranged marriage. Isn't that wonderful?" Wonderful? The word felt like a bitter pill on Karina's tongue. Arranged marriages were a tradition in their family, a way to solidify business ties and social standing. But Karina had always dreamt of love, of a connection that went beyond societal expectations. "Isn't she thrilled, Father?" Her mother pressed, oblivious to Karina's internal turmoil. "Absolutely," Karina mumbled, pushing the pancakes around her plate with a disinterest she couldn't quite hide. Her mother frowned. "Karina, sweetheart, what's wrong? You haven't touched your breakfast. And you seem… preoccupied lately. Staying up late studying? Remember, married life requires a responsible young woman." The words grated on Karina. Responsible? Was she nothing more than a pawn in their family's social game? Frustration bubbled over. "Mom, Dad," she said, her voice surprisingly steady. "I appreciate the effort, but I'm not sure I'm ready for marriage. Especially not an arranged one." Her parents exchanged a shocked look. Her father cleared his throat. "Karina," he began, his voice stern. "This is not a discussion. We've already given our word to the Hogans. You will meet Matt properly this weekend, and the wedding will take place as planned." Anger flared hot within her. "Planned by whom? Me? Or you?" The room fell silent. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. Tears welled up in her eyes. "I just need some time," she choked out, pushing back from the table. "Can I please be excused?" Without waiting for a reply, she fled the room, the weight of their expectations pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket. Upstairs, in the sanctuary of her room, she threw herself onto the bed, tears spilling down her cheeks. The image of Rex, terrifying yet strangely unsettling, flickered at the edges of her mind. Was he a figment of her imagination, fueled by the strange drink at the party? Or was there something more sinister at play? The insistent trill of her phone ripped Karina from her tearful reverie. Glancing at the screen, she saw it was Kayla. Wiping her cheeks hastily, she answered, forcing a semblance of cheerfulness into her voice. "Hey, Kayla. What's up?" "Karina! Guess what?" Kayla's voice crackled with excitement. "Remember that new spa downtown everyone's been raving about? I scored us a same-day appointment for facials and massages! How about some pampering to chase away those Monday blues?" The offer was tempting. A few hours of relaxation and girl talk might be exactly what Karina needed to clear her head. "Sure, why not?" she said, her voice a little brighter. "Perfect! They can take us in two hours. I'll swing by and pick you up." True to her word, Kayla arrived in a flurry of colorful scarves and excited chatter. The taxi ride to the spa was filled with light conversation about the latest gossip and funny mishaps at work. As they entered the serene, lavender-scented haven, Kayla squeezed Karina's arm reassuringly. "Seriously, this place is amazing. You'll forget all your troubles here." For a few blissful hours, Kayla's prediction held true. The skilled hands of the masseuse kneaded away the knots of tension in Karina's shoulders, and the cool cucumber slices placed over her eyes felt incredibly soothing. In the steamy silence of the sauna later, Kayla's vibrant chatter filled the space for a while. Then, a lull fell in the conversation, and memories of the previous night flooded back to Karina with renewed intensity. Taking a deep breath, she blurted out, "Kayla, I need to tell you something crazy." "Crazy? Spill it!" Kayla said, her eyes wide with anticipation. Hesitantly, Karina recounted the events of the previous night. The stuffy dinner party, the unwelcome advances of John Hardy, the blurry escape to the hotel, and then the terrifying encounter with the creature she could only describe as a werewolf. As she spoke, Kayla's initial excitement gave way to skepticism. Her brow furrowed, and a faint smile played on her lips. "Whoa, Karina," Kayla finally said when she finished, her tone laced with amusement. "Sounds intense. Maybe John Hardy's champagne was a little stronger than you thought?" Karina flushed. "But Kayla, I swear I saw it! A giant wolf-man thing! It came out of the bathroom and chased me." Kayla chuckled, patting her arm comfortingly. "Okay, okay, I believe you… kind of. Maybe you just had a really weird dream after a night of heavy drinking? You know those fancy drinks can mess with your head." Karina felt a flicker of doubt. Maybe Kayla was right. The whole thing did seem surreal, like a scene straight from a horror movie. Yet, a chilling fear lingered in the pit of her stomach. "Yeah, maybe you're right," Karina sighed, the energy drained from her confession. Dismissing it as a bizarre dream felt easier than grappling with the possibility of something more sinister. "That's the spirit!" Kayla said, clapping her hands together. "Now, let's get back to those amazing facials and forget about all the monsters under the bed, literal or metaphorical." The rest of the spa day passed in a comfortable haze. They giggled with the friendly esthetician, discussed the newest lipstick shades, and swore they could feel years melt away with each treatment. As they walked out of the spa, the late afternoon sun cast a warm glow on the city streets. Kayla linked arms with Karina, a triumphant grin on her face. "So, future Mrs. Hogan, how does it feel to be marrying into money?" Karina sighed, the weight of her arranged marriage settling back on her shoulders. "Honestly, Kayla? Not that great. I barely know Matt, and the whole thing feels… forced." Kayla's smile faltered. "Forced? But come on, Karina, think about it! You'll be living in luxury, wearing designer clothes, jetting off to exotic locations. It's every girl's dream!" Karina knew Kayla meant well, but her enthusiasm felt hollow. "It's not about the money, Kayla. I want love, a connection with someone I actually care about. Not some pre-arranged business deal." Kayla squeezed her arm gently. "I know, honey. I understand. But maybe give Matt a chance? He seems like a nice guy from what I remember." "Maybe," Karina conceded, unable to muster much enthusiasm. The encounter with Rex, whether real or imagined, had shaken her more than she cared to admit. It felt like a dark cloud hanging over her, a foreshadowing of something ominous to come.

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