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Bound by FateBound by Fate
By: Webfic


After her mother's death, she was raised by her Nanny. Especially since her father had buried himself in his work, ignoring her whole existence. "You're all grown and pretty." The older lady pointed, her warm palms holding Samantha's face in place as she examined her closely." But you have lost so much weight." That made Samantha laugh. Could you leave it to her, Nana, to point it out? " Have you been well?" Samantha smiled brightly at her. " I assure you; I have." "Oh dear. How did you get so beautiful?" Her Nana asked sincerely, earning a laugh from a blushing Samantha. Her Nanny was never one to bluff. It was her bluntness that also made her all the more admirable. "Look at you, Nana." She held onto her Nanny's face just like she was doing hers and pretended to study her face intensely. "Hmm, old age does look good on you." It was true. The woman looked beautiful in her gray hair, contrasting sharply with her brown skin and gray eyes. Samantha couldn't-- not for the life of her understand why she refused to remarry after her husband's passing. "Oh please...." whatever retort she had was interrupted by her father. "Samantha?" Samantha looked up at the stairs her father stood on and was stunned and silent. He looked way older than she had predicted he would, and he clung tightly to a cane she assumed he used to balance what looked like a bad leg. Samantha swallowed. What had happened to her father? "What are you doing here?" He asked, not sounding the least bit happy to see her. It made her instantly sad. She hadn't expected a welcome party, but she sure had hoped he'd be as excited to see her as she was to see him. "I'm back." Was all she could think of to say. Her father sighed a heavy and overly labored sigh. Was that how much he disliked her? Samantha found it irritating how he had never done anything but disliked her existence all her darn life. "To my study." He said abruptly before turning sharply and walking-- limping into his study. "Why didn't you inform me of your arrival? Who else knows you're back?" He asked while he paced the length of his study. He couldn't even bother to ask how she had been. Who was she kidding? His study looked disorganized and stuffy. When was the last time he let anyone in here? "Samantha?" Her father's angry voice brought her back into the present. "Huh, what were your questions again?" Her father's eyes blazed with anger, his glare piercing through her. "Who else knows you're here?" he growled, his tone low and menacing. Samantha thought to herself, "What's gotten into him?” "Just you, Camila, and..." "Jake!" Samantha nodded slowly, unsure of what to say. "Jake!!" Her father's eyes widened as he looked at her in sheer horror. This was the most reaction she had ever gotten from her father all her life. What the heck was wrong with him? "Care to tell me what's going on?" She was very much irritated at his pacing and desire to keep her in unnecessary suspense. "You just got yourself a husband. That's what!" "What? What??!!!!" Her blood suddenly ran cold. Her father never bluffed, but had he somehow gone mad during her stay abroad? But apart from his constant pacing, he looked positively the same to her. "What are you talking about, Dad?" She always took pride in her ability to control her emotions, but not at that exact moment-- she couldn't. Her father slumped in his seat, a defeated sigh escaping his lips. Samantha stood rigid in fear. She had never seen her father so distraught in all her life. "I sold you out to Jake Devon. He owns you now." *************** Jake sat on the kitchen counter, watching his younger sister make them a meal. He chewed on an apple, paying her little mind. "What I'm saying is, you shouldn't have spoken to her like that, Jake," Camila said. She could tell he wasn't listening. All he wanted to hear her say was that dinner was ready, then he'd listen. "Hmm," he replied, his tone indifferent and unconcerned. "Hmm? Just hmm?? "She placed both hands on her hips, her eyes blazing with anger. "What"? Jake asked, with a mouth full of apples. "Are you serious right now?" She looked at him like he had grown an extra eye. "That girl has gone home, and you know just how much she hates that place and that..... that man." Camila had never been good at cursing at people. He, on the other hand...... 'Hmm,' Jake thought. What did this mean? Had she discovered the truth already? He hoped so. The sooner she found out, the better. Though later would still work, he preferred earlier. The less time she spent in the dark, the better. "Jake! For the love of Christ, are you even listening? " Camila was losing her shit. Jeez, woman," he muttered, wincing at the loudness. He had always been sensitive to noise, and his sharp hearing made it worse. Yelling, especially around him, was like nails on a chalkboard. "Don't you dare--" Whatever retort she was going to give was cut short by slamming his front door. Jake was thankful for the interruption, but that peace was short-lived as the door revealed a furious Samantha. Sooner, it seemed. Great. Jake could almost not control his joy, but that had always been his strong feat. He had such firm control over his emotions. "What is this, Jake?" Samantha all but said calmly as she threw the sheet of paper at him. Jake leaned leisurely on the kitchen counter as he took another bite of his apple, staring straight into her eyes. "What's going on?" Camila asked in confusion. Worried lines formed on her brows. She picked up the paper and gasped in shock. "A marriage contract?" Samantha's flaming gaze held Jake's icy ones in a tight grip. The fun was just getting started. "Explain yourself! " She demanded, earning a low chuckle from Jake. "What else is there to explain?" His voice was low, calm, but authoritative. So also was the air around him. "It's our marriage contract". "There's no way in hell I'm marrying a psychopath like you! " She spat angrily. "You'd rather have it in heaven then?" Jake said. "There's no place for your kind in heaven." Came her retort. "And you'd know. Wouldn't you?" he said, tauntingly. "Get rid of this contract, Jake. It's not happening," she instructed, and Jake's smile turned to a cold, icy frown. "That's not ever going to happen." He pulled out a chair and sat down, making himself comfortable for the drama that was only about to start. "Yes, it damn well is," he replied, his tone firm and assertive. He had never heard her swear before, even when he pushed her to the limit. She must be furious. Jake couldn't explain why he felt a twisted sense of satisfaction at seeing her so riled up. "Then walk right out of the contract if you must."

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