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Bound by FateBound by Fate
By: Webfic


Samantha looked around, more scared than she realized. When Camila saw this, she only chuckled. "Don't be a scared little teenage girl, Amy." "We are gonna go to my brother's secret cave." She announced proudly. "Okay, that's it, I'm going back. I didn’t want to come here anyway if not for my father’s insistence on my return." Samantha turned around and found the exit, realizing she was practically lost. They had come from one pathway, but now, she was faced with two, and she couldn't decide which one of them was the right direction. She felt Camila hold onto her shoulders. "Where do you intend to go next, Sweet?" Samantha could very well hear the amusement in her voice. "Don't worry. Jake isn't going to be home-- not till next week, and besides, have a little faith in me.” “I am your best friend, remember? I know you don’t like my brother, and I would not deliberately put you both in the same room. He is not around, and he will not be around for the next seven days. We already had a deal, and if Jake isn’t anything, I can guarantee that he will keep his end of every bargain." She kept on rambling on, trying to convince her friend. She tried to sound as reassuring as possible. "Fine, fine then. I trust you, but no funny business." Samantha had no choice but to agree. “Finally, now we can have some peace and some fun," Camila said cheerily, taking Samantha's hand and leading her into another passageway. She pushed open another door, and Samantha thought about how tired she was of watching Camila open and close doors. This was already feeling like an endless labyrinth of doors to her. "We are here!" Camila joyfully announced. Samantha watched her smile brightly, and it made her smile, too. It felt nice to see that her best friend had barely changed. Camila was usually guarded around people, but she could be just herself around her. Well, she and that annoying brother of hers. The thought of him left a sour taste in her mouth. "Look, Amy! " Samantha looked around her and was transfixed. It was grand and impressive. "Where are we?" Samantha asked as if in a trance. Camila giggled girlishly at the amazed look on her face. "As I mentioned, this baby is my brother's cave." She was proud of her brother's taste. She had waited so long to show Samantha this place and couldn't be happier at that moment. "This is amazing!!" Samantha was still hall smitten as she stared wide-eyed at the beauty before her. It was all she had dreamed of. It was a Cinema that also had what looked like a spa pool, and there was this beautiful relaxation center that Samantha couldn't take her eyes off. Everywhere boasted extravagant design yet somehow maintained a cozy and homely atmosphere. Samantha inhaled the fresh air from the enormous windows, which were opened to admit one of nature's many blessings. "This is truly beautiful." She pointed out for what felt like the umpteenth time. "I know!" Camila took her hand and led her to a seat by the spa pool. She immediately dipped her legs into it and let out a pleasurable sigh. "This feels so damn good." She relaxed her head on the headrest that had been provided. “What do you say when we watch a movie?" Camila asked, her voice trailing off as she was starting to sound sleepy. "No, Cam. Let's just sleep." Samantha shut her eyes, ready to have a much-needed rest. "Yeah, let's do that." Camila sounded just as sleepy as Samantha’s, maybe even more so. "What is going on here?" Samantha was jolted awake by a furious, masculine voice. She could recognize that voice anywhere and any day. It was Jake... Camila jolted awake and stared in horror at her brother's furious face. Meanwhile, Samantha remained unfazed, didn't even spare him a glance, and settled in more comfortably, closing her eyes once again. “Oh, Hello, brother!" Camila's voice dripped with sarcasm, her forced cheerfulness a thin veil for her simmering resentment. "What happened to our agreement?" she asked, her teeth clenched in anger. They had agreed that he would stay away for one week so Samantha could at least get comfortable. "What happened is that you're in my space." He said. "We had a goddamn agreement, Jake," Camila said, angrily stamping her foot on the floor like a child. "Yes, we did, and that agreement was that I would stay out of her way." He replied. "So, what are you doing here?" Camila was already turning red at this rate. At the same time, Samantha pretended to be unbothered and unaffected by their argument, but her heart was racing, and she couldn't tell why. She was not scared, but she wanted more than anything to see Jake, who managed to sound older and more manly. "This is my goddamn house, Camila!" He exploded, his frustration boiling over as he ran his hand through his hair in a futile attempt to calm himself. He prided himself on being able to argue with women without losing his cool, but his younger sister was beginning to push him to the edge. I'll retreat to my cave for a week, just as planned!" He glared at Samantha, his eyes blazing with indignation." Not flee to some luxurious hotel for a spoiled little brat who wouldn't even bother to defend her best friend, let alone show some basic human decency! "Don't bring her into this, Jake," Camila warned, ready to jump to her defense, but Samantha stopped her by standing on her feet. She was prepared for this fight. She had planned her entry and exit retorts when they started arguing. “I have already been dragged into this, Cam," Samantha began, but her words faltered as she turned to face Jake. His piercing blue eyes, like an unfathomable ocean, drew her in, threatening to drown her in their secrets and untold stories. His lips, inviting and alluring, seemed to whisper sweet nothings, while his chiseled jawline and determined brow exuded strength and pride. Transfixed, Samantha's thoughts scattered, leaving her speechless and helpless against the tide of his captivating presence. Jake's mind reeled, and he questioned his own sanity. The woman before him was Samantha, yet not the Samantha he knew. Her beauty had transformed, transcending into an ethereal realm, as if she'd stepped out of a fairy tale's pages. His anger and frustration evaporated, replaced by wonder and awe. But the spell was short-lived, shattered by Samantha's biting words: "All these years and you refuse to grow up." Her tone was sharp and disapproving, like a stern rebuke, leaving Jake feeling stung and defensive, the previous enchantment forgotten in the face of her scorn. “You have refused to grow up, and you have remained the little boy I once knew; nothing has changed about you. Now, you are just a small boy in a bigger body.” Her words stung like that of an old wicked witch. She wanted to sound confident and didn’t care if they made him feel bad or not. She just did not want to feel small beside Jake, the boy who bullied her all her years growing up.

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