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Bereft of HerBereft of Her
By: Webfic

Chapter 6

Bethany returned home and immediately told Jenny about the incident. Together, they searched online and quickly found the alleged original paintings. There were five in total, remarkably similar to the five Bethany had sent to Baruy, with a similarity rate of 95%. The paintings had won five prestigious awards in the industry, all under the name Lindari. Jenny found it unbelievable. "Do you know anyone named Lindari?" she asked. "I don't know." Bethany shook her head. "But it can't be their real name." "True." Jenny agreed. "No matter how bizarre, the art plagiarist most likely isn't a foreigner. Are your paintings at Reyes Residence?" Bethany nodded. "Do you have any photos of their sketches on your phone?" Jenny asked. "Yes," Bethany confirmed excitedly. Jenny's eyes lit up. "That makes things easier. Send the photos to the contest judges. They might check and change the recipients of the awards." After a moment of thought, Jenny added, "Also, post your works on major designer forums. We might be able to expose this art plagiarist." As an experienced influencer, Jenny believed in the power of netizens. Bethany nodded, scrolling through her phone for the sketch photos. "Okay. I'll go back and bring the sketches. At times like this, Bethany needed to have the sketches in her hands to feel at ease. "Send me the photos. I'll take care of the rest," Jenny urged. Posting online was her forte; it was an area in which she felt confident and capable. "Thanks, Jen. I'm lucky to have you in my life," Bethany replied gratefully. Soon after sending Jenny the sketch photos, Bethany hurried back to Reyes Residence. She walked in and noticed Serene glued to the television. "I'm back to get something," Bethany announced before going upstairs to her room. "What are you getting?" Serene trailed along, as if afraid that Bethany would steal something. "My own stuff," Bethany replied, focusing on getting her sketches. Bethany entered her room and began rummaging through her belongings. She had a small box under the bed where she kept all the paintings she had made during her academic years. Serene stood leaning against the door with her arms crossed and scoffed disdainfully. "Take all this junk if you want it. If not, I'll throw it away." Bethany searched through the box several times but couldn't find her paintings. She looked up at Serene and asked, "Where are my paintings?" "What paintings? How would I know?" Serene retorted, narrowing her eyes. Bethany stood up. Her tone was firm as she said, "The paintings I made in school were all in this box. Where are they?" "I don't know," Serene replied curtly, turning to leave. Bethany followed and blocked Serene's path. "Where are they?" "Are you deaf or something? I said I don't know. Move!" "How could you not know? Who did you give them to?" Bethany began to realize what had happened. Serene must have given the paintings to someone, who had then submitted them to international competitions and won awards. Now, Bethany was the plagiarist. "Who did you give them to?" Bethany's voice quivered. She had never thought that Serene would fail her so many times. "I told you, I don't know. I haven't seen them or touched them," Serene snapped, her hands on her hips. "You're making a fuss over a few paintings? Seriously?" Serene scoffed dismissively. "Oh, so you're pointing fingers at me now, huh? Fine, take all your crap and get out of my house. You're not wanted here anymore." Serene spat out angrily. "Fine!" Bethany declared, her patience wearing thin. "From now on, I disown you, Serene. You're no mother to me." Bethany stormed back to her room, grabbed a bag, and stuffed her belongings inside. She couldn't bear to stay in this house or be near Serene any longer. "Great, just great! Get out already!" Serene looked positively gleeful. Bethany finished packing and immediately called a cab. Tears streamed down her face as she sat in the backseat, feeling lost and betrayed. She couldn't understand why Serene would treat her like that. Then, she couldn't help but wonder who Serene could have given her paintings to. One name crossed her mind—Megan. But she quickly dismissed the idea. Megan wouldn't stoop to such levels, and her talent surpassed Bethany's. Bethany vowed to find out who Serene had given the paintings to. That evening, the judging panels from the competition responded to her emails, stating that their selection processes were fair, unbiased, and transparent. They highlighted that all selected works had undergone rigorous screening, eliminating the risk of plagiarism, and that the winning entries were beyond reproach. In addition, the email contained an attachment. Bethany downloaded it and saw that it included even more sketches than she had provided. After all, she had only taken a few pictures of the sketches on her phone, not all of them. On the other hand, posts on numerous forums had received a rush of responses, all mocking Bethany. "So, you've been plagiarized? Who do you think you are? Take a good look at yourself before throwing stones at others." "You want sketches? I have more than you. Stop trying to leech off other people's success, and leave the scene." "Shameless. Get out of this community." The comments went on. Jenny felt sorry for Bethany and decided to engage in some spirited banter with the netizens. "Got a brain in that head of yours yet?" "Why are you feeling all high and mighty?" "Have you checked the scale lately? I'm worried a breeze might whisk you away!" Jenny believed in Bethany. But with the paintings gone, how could they reclaim justice? Bethany had anticipated this turn of events on her way back from Reyes Residence. Now, all she needed to know was who had her paintings. "Jen, let's not bother with them," Bethany said. She read through the posts until she came to Lindari's profile. She was utterly dumbfounded. Jenny was equally shocked. "Isn't this Megan?" Bethany found it hard to accept. She had looked up to Megan since childhood. But the reality was brutal. She couldn't match up to Megan. Even the love of her life wouldn't settle for anyone but Megan. How could Megan have stolen her paintings? No, she had to confront Megan. … The next day, Bethany arranged to meet Megan. "Beth, is this about the divorce? Trys is away on a business trip, but he has agreed to accompany you to handle the paperwork when he returns," Megan commented casually. Bethany presented the photos of her sketches to Megan. "Meg, these sketches—" Megan suddenly burst into tears. "Beth, I'm sorry." Bethany's heart clenched. "Did you really steal my paintings? How could you?" Megan looked at Bethany tearfully and confessed, "Beth, I was so angry with you at the time. I wanted to get back at you, so I secretly contacted your mom, threatened her, and had her send me your paintings." Megan remained highly emotional. "Beth, I was out of my mind back then." Bethany felt drained in an instant. Indeed, fate had been punishing her all along. "Meg, let it go. I don't blame you, but you need to send an email to the judges to resolve this issue." Bethany sighed.

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