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Bereft of HerBereft of Her
By: Webfic

Chapter 13

Regina was surprised by the unexpected turn of events. She instinctively stepped in front of Bethany. "If you don't like the sketches, Mrs Meyer, we can make adjustments. But please be mindful of your behavior. If you lay a hand on anyone again, I'll call the police," Regina warned sternly. The commotion attracted everyone in the office to gather outside the VIP room. Agatha sneered. "Doesn't Baruy Studio claim to be the best in the country? And yet you are hiring artists who plagiarize?" Regina's heart sank, and she glared at Bethany in frustration. "Mrs. Meyer, I don't know where you heard the rumors. Given her young age, Bethany has made mistakes in the past. But I assure you, the sketches we presented today are flawless and of the highest quality," Regina said reassuringly. Agatha's voice thundered, "Flawless? Just because you claim they're flawless doesn't make it so. I'm telling you, I have seen these exact drawings before." Bethany's complexion went pale. She exclaimed, "That's impossible!" Regina shared Bethany's disbelief. "Mrs. Meyer, what are you saying?" Regina asked. "I'm saying I've seen identical designs before," Agatha reiterated, grabbing her bag to leave. "You claim to be the best in the country while causing such controversies. Prepare for a lawsuit." Agatha shoved Bethany and strode out confidently. Bethany collapsed to the ground, utterly bewildered. All she could think was, "This can't be happening." Regina realized how severe the matter was and rushed after Agatha to apologize. "Mrs. Meyer, we're sincerely sorry. We will conduct a thorough investigation and provide a reasonable explanation." Agatha scoffed. "An investigation? What's there to investigate? Do you think I'm lying to you?" Agatha spat in Bethany's direction and cursed, "With this kind of trash around, you might as well close your doors for good." With that, Agatha strode off arrogantly. Regina was overcome with anger at Agatha's departure. Her rage intensified, given that she had only felt a fleeting admiration for Bethany seconds before. She chastised herself for putting her faith in Bethany again. Regina returned to the VIP room and yelled at Bethany, who was still on the ground, "Get out!" Pack your stuff and leave!" "I didn't do it, Ms. Katz. I swear," Bethany begged. She couldn't fathom why this was happening. "Bethany, do you think everyone in this world behaves like your cousin? Do you really believe that people will constantly give in to your demands and let you plagiarize without consequences?" Bethany shook her head incessantly. She hadn't plagiarized. "I'm telling you now, Bethany, you're fired. The last thing this industry tolerates is plagiarism. You better leave this field while you still can." Bethany couldn't fathom why she was fired from Baruy Studio. No one believed her. Everyone looked down on her. … When she returned to Jenny's apartment, she hugged Jenny and cried for a long time. "Jen, am I not trying hard enough? Why is this happening? I've never plagiarized anyone. Why won't they believe me?" Jenny's eyes burned with rage as she repeatedly patted Bethany's back. "Beth, it's not your fault. They're blind and misunderstood you. "Your colleagues must have their brains in the wrong place. Their intelligence is seriously questionable. Why don't you give Megan a call? She knows you. And since she is the company's director, her words should be taken seriously." It was Bethany's only chance to clear her name. Bethany promptly dialed Megan's number and told her everything. "How did this happen?" Megan sounded astonished and comforted Bethany before promising to help her. Once the call ended, Megan transferred 100,000 dollars to a bank account along with a message. "Well done." Meanwhile, Bethany kept thinking about the situation. "Why would Regina accuse me of repeated plagiarism?" Jenny responded, "Beth, remember how each time you turned in your design, Ms. Katz became irritated? Is it possible that she thought you were plagiarizing every time?" "No, I have to clear this up." Bethany rallied. She couldn't let herself be falsely accused and lose her job like this. She immediately sent a WhatsApp message to Regina. "Ms. Katz, I need to explain what happened today. I have never, ever copied someone else's work." However, after sending the message, Bethany quickly realized her number had been blocked. She attempted to call Regina, only to realize once more that she had been blocked. Jenny offered her phone and said, "Beth, why not try mine?" Bethany shook her head after giving it some thought. Regina was still enraged. If she realized it was Bethany's call, she would hang up instantly, leaving the latter no chance to explain. "I'll go talk to her in person tomorrow and clear things up." "Okay!" … The next day, Bethany left early to confront Regina at work. However, she noticed a familiar figure hailing a cab while on the way. "Sir, please wait a moment," Bethany instructed the driver. It was Agatha, the client from the other day. Unlike her last appearance, Agatha wore a more casual outfit this time, and her hair was unkempt. Bethany knew that Baruy Studio's projects often cost at least 200,000 dollars each. It wasn't something the present-day Agatha could afford. As Bethany watched Agatha drive off, she clenched her teeth and told the driver to follow her immediately. Since Bethany had never plagiarized any work, Agatha was most likely attempting to frame her. But they were strangers. Why would Agatha accuse her? Approximately one hour later, the car came to a complete halt. Bethany got out of the car and found herself in a run-down neighborhood. Did Agatha live here? Her conviction grew stronger that someone had used Agatha. "Mrs. Meyer!" Bethany called out to Agatha, who turned around and saw Bethany. A hint of panic flashed across her expression. "I don't know you. You've got the wrong person," Agatha said, attempting to flee. "Agatha, stop!" Bethany quickly caught up and stood in her way. "Why are you doing this to me?" "I don't know what you're talking about," Agatha replied. She lowered her head, avoiding eye contact. "You don't?" Bethany grabbed Agatha's arm and started to lead her away. "You'll know once we get to the police station." "Let go of me! Let go!" Agatha struggled desperately and cried, "A woman gave me 100,000 dollars!" Bethany looked at her in astonishment. "What did you say?" "I said a woman approached me. She offered me 100,000 dollars and bought me two designer outfits to play a role. She told me to visit your company and look at the sketches. I don't know anything else." Bethany tightened her grip on Agatha's arm. "Let go of me! I won't go to the police station," Agatha exclaimed. "Fine, you don't have to. But you will accompany me to Baruy Studio to speak with our management." "I'm not going. I won't go. No amount of dragging me there will make a difference. I won't testify for you," Agatha declared, sitting firmly on the ground. Bethany clenched her teeth in frustration. "Fine, don't, then. But you have to tell me what the woman who came up to you looks like." "She's gorgeous." Bethany took a moment before showing Agatha a snapshot from her phone. "Take a closer look. Was it her?"

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