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Side Hustle

As a rule, Kira took such gossip with a healthy pinch of salt. But the source of information was none other than Janessa Lucas. Whose lifelong ambition was to marry into an ultra-rich family. Janessa devoted her time and energy to gathering dossiers on the bigwigs in Stamford. She showed more drive and passion in her endeavour than hardcore fans collecting baseball cards. One of her skills was rattling off a list of the twenty richest men in Stamford without relying on notes. Janessa might not be trusted to know the date of the next class quiz, but any of her intel about the city’s upper echelon could be taken to the bank. At the moment, she was regaling her rapt audience with a colourful account of a trust-fund boy’s latest exploits. Kira nodded off. When she snapped awake, the class was over. The impromptu gossip session had broken up. Students were packing up to leave. Kira scanned the classroom for Janessa. ‘Sweetheart,’ Kira caught up with her and squeezed her shoulder affectionately. ‘Going home?’ Janessa eyed her classmate suspiciously. ‘Cut to the chase. What do you want?’ ‘I have some information for sale. Interested?’ Janessa snorted. ‘You’re selling information to me? Did you think they call me the Mole because of the beauty mark on my cheek? Or because of my unparalleled ability to ferret out information, like a kickass female 007? I’m the one people come to for info, not the other way around.’ ‘I’m pretty sure the scoop I have is exclusive. No one else knows about it, not even you.’ Kira said with a smile. ‘Yeah? Prove it. Tell me something I don’t know.’ ‘Do you know Austyn McCarthy’s blood type?’ Janessa’s eyebrows shot up. ‘I don’t. Do you?’ ‘I do.’ ‘What is it?’ Kira smiled to herself. She knew Janessa would never pass up a chance to get the lowdown on a man like Austyn. Janessa could be a generous spender if it got her what she wanted. The fish was hooked. Kira started reeling it in. ‘Not so fast,’ she said. ‘It’ll cost you ten bucks for an answer to that question. Same price for any additional question you may have.’ ‘Damn it, you’re robbing me blind.’ ‘But you do want the answer, no? I can always sell it to someone else…’ ‘Wait, get back here!’ Kira and Janessa found a bench to sit and conduct their trade. ‘Blood type?’ ‘AB.’ ‘Favourite food?’ ‘There’s no particular dish he prefers, but his palate is on the lighter side.’ ‘Favourite magazine?’ ‘Mostly business and military journals.’ ‘Hobby?’ ‘Many, and they vary.’ ‘Like what?’ ‘That would be another question.’ When it came to money, Kira was on the ball. She was not going to give away the farm with a single answer. ‘What a racket!’ Janessa gnashed her teeth. ‘Body measurements?’ Um… This was much more personal than questions on hobbies and magazines. Kira put up two fingers. ‘Twenty bucks for questions involving privacy.’ ‘We had a deal!’ Janessa protested. ‘You can’t just jack up the price as you please!’ ‘Honey,’ Kira grinned mischievously. ‘I could get ten times, no, a hundred times the price if I sell that tidbit to gossip mags. Twenty bucks is already a heavily discounted offer because you’re such a dear friend.’ Janessa hesitated briefly. ‘Fine! Twenty it is!’ ‘You’ve made a wise decision. Thank you for your business.’ As Kira took the money and recalled the question, Austyn’s naked body flashed through her mind. His broad shoulders and brawny arms. His eight-pack abs. His Adonis belt. The bunching of his muscles as he thrust into her. The way his chest glistened. His warm, masculine musk. His large, sinewy hands. Big enough to cup her breast with one palm… Kira’s face started heating up. She cleared her throat and tried to banish that mental image. ‘He is tall, well built, with perfect proportions. Just picture Michelangelo’s “David.” Oh, and he’s well-endowed.’ She steered clear of precise data on Austyn’s measurements and gave Janessa an ambiguous answer that could have described any male model. Janessa swallowed hard. Her brain was overloaded with erotic images as she let her imagination run wild. ‘Oh wow.’ Kira counted the money in her hands. When she glimpsed Janessa’s dreamy look, she made a face. The girl was practically drooling. ‘What a perv!’ Kira thought, amused. ‘Do you have any more questions?’ she said to Janessa. ‘If not, I’m leaving now.’ Janessa got her head out of fantasy land and yelled, ‘Wait!’ Kira turned around, a little impatient. ‘What else do you want to know?’ ‘Rumour says he’s is secretly married. Do you know anything about that?’

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