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How About A Divorce

It was raining again. A flurry of raindrops pattered against the window, loud and incessant. In the living room, the TV was on. A gorgeous-looking news anchor flashed a flawless smile as she delivered the latest in showbiz. ‘Last night, Austyn McCarthy, scion of the McCarthy family, was spotted heading into a five-star hotel with the actress Kayleigh Woods on his arm. This is not the first time the two have been seen together, adding currency to the dating speculation. Could we expect to hear wedding bells soon? ...’ In the bedroom, two bodies were tangled together on the king-sized bed. The man was powerfully built, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. Drops of sweat glistened on his tanned skin as he rammed into the girl lying underneath him. Kira stared up at Austyn as he panted and rocked his hips. He had a face carved by angels and a jawline that most men would kill for. His naked body, covered in a film of perspiration, shimmered in the soft light. He pushed deeper into her. The occasional grunt that escaped from his lips was enough to make any woman weak at the knees. Austyn closed his eyes in the throes of passion. And did not notice the look on Kira’s face. It was not one of pleasure. Kira gritted her teeth and endured his powerful thrusting. ‘Why does he always take so long? I can’t take it anymore…’ She kept that complaint to herself, too timid to voice her objection out loud. Kira thought she was tired, but her body reacted to him and clutched him tightly. She closed her eyes and resigned herself to his protracted punishment, biting her lips to keep herself from moaning. It was another half an hour before Austyn finished at last. With a final thrust, he gasped as he climaxed, his whole body convulsing with pleasure. Kira breathed out, relieved. Austyn pulled out of her without a word, got up from the bed and padded into the bathroom. Soon came the sound of running water. With some effort, Kira sat up in bed. Moments before he came, Austyn drove himself deeper and harder into her. The impact almost crushed her and left a dull pain in her chest. Kira was parched, but the glass on the nightstand was empty. She licked her lips, threw aside the cover and tried to get up. Her legs turned to jelly as soon as she set foot on the carpet. She had to grab a bedpost for support. Anyone would be worn out after a two-hour marathon session in bed. Well, anyone except Austyn. She marvelled at the man’s stamina. Right afterwards, Austyn had walked to the bathroom unassisted, even though he was the one who did most of the work… Kira took several deep breaths before she mustered enough strength to shuffle into the kitchen. She got herself a glass of water and took a grateful gulp. On her way back to the bedroom, she hesitated. She shuffled into the living room and curled up on the sofa, absent-mindedly watching the TV as she sipped from the glass. A familiar name caught her attention. ‘Austyn and Kayleigh? Dating?’ The news anchor’s beautiful face was replaced with a photo onscreen. It was a typical paparazzi shot, taken some distance away from the hotel and blurry, but it was enough to make out the two figures in the photo. Kayleigh Woods had her arms around Austyn’s waist. Her face was buried in his chest. They seemed locked in a tight embrace. Kira cast her glance to the bedroom. The man, photographed with another woman last night, was naked in the bathroom right now, taking a shower. Was he aware he was caught on camera? Kira was familiar with Kayleigh’s name. The budding actress shot to fame in the last couple of years, having a major role in several dramas that were all the rage at the moment. Kayleigh, whose name meant ‘slender and fair,’ was stunning. She could capture the audience’s heart with a single sultry look. Her voluptuous figure turned heads and stole the show at any red carpet event she attended. Men wanted her, and women wanted to be her. Kira drank from the glass mechanically, unaware it was already empty. A sudden peal of thunder snapped her out of her reverie. She shook her head to clear her mind. Austyn was insanely handsome. Kayleigh was breath-taking. The two of them would make a perfect match. ‘What are you doing here?’ Austyn’s deep voice startled her. Kira straightened up reflexively. She grabbed the remote control and switched off the TV. ‘Nothing. Just…killing time.’ Austyn wore nothing except a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was dripping wet. Barefoot, he strode over to the sofa and stared fixedly at Kira. His sharp gaze seemed to see right through her. From her seated position, Kira was treated to the tantalising view of his sexy jawline and his Adam’s apple. A drop of water lingered on his throat, before dripping downwards over his chiselled chest. His thin lips were pursed. Austyn seldom smiled. Kira traced the outline of his lips with her eyes, distracted. Someone once told her that thin lips in a man often indicated a ruthless nature. Normally, she wouldn’t put much stock in physiognomy. But that particular observation was spot on with Austyn. He just stood there watching Kira with his searching eyes, unspeaking. A while later, he picked up the remote control and turned the TV back on. The lovely news anchor was back, still gushing about the hottest couple in town. Austyn and Kayleigh. ‘Sources say Austyn has been married in secret for some time, breaking many a girl’s hearts. But now we know that’s not true, given he’s been stepping out with the delectable Kayleigh Woods. Look at that picture. The romantic vibe between the couple is unmistakable...' Abruptly, Austyn shut off the TV and flung the remote aside. The lamp cast a shadow over his face, making it impossible to read his expression. Was he mad? Or embarrassed? Kira stole a glance at him. She could never tell what the man was thinking. Austyn was hardly the type to write his thoughts on his forehead. The report had to be true, right? No smoke without fire, as the saying went. Austyn would have flipped out if someone dared fabricate groundless gossip about him. At least, the tabloid got the ‘secret marriage’ part correct. The rain stopped suddenly, plunging the room into stifling stillness. Kira fidgeted. She racked her brain, trying to come up with something to say. But words failed her. An idea struck her from nowhere. ‘If you’re going steady with her,’ she blurted out, ‘why don’t we get a divorce?’
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