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Her head buzzed from the alcohol and she swayed under the influence. She was feeling dizzy. Bella looked around, wondering where the restroom was. Suddenly, she realized this part of the club looked unfamiliar. In her shock, she lost her already precarious balance and fell against a door. The door was partially open. When her weight leaned on it, the door swung inwards, opening fully. Bella fell into the room. She stumbled for some time before finally managing to stabilize herself against a wall. She looked around at the room, confused. Just as she pulled herself up to walk out, the bedroom door burst open and a man rushed out. Without warning, the man slammed into Bella, pinning her to the wall with her hands above her head. The impact roused Bella from her drunken stupor. Her eyes opened wide with shock as she realized who the man was. It was Kennedy! Kennedy had a crazed look in his eyes. His breathing was erratic. He stared at Bella ferociously. “How dare you try to set me up?” he growled. His words were furious, but his tone was one thick with desire. “Set you up?” Bella was confused. She struggled against Kennedy, but her strength was no match for his, especially under his crazed mood. Kennedy sniggered. “Don't pretend you don't know! How did you even know I was in this room if you weren't trying to set me up?” he snapped. The desire in his eyes thickened. Abruptly, his lips descended on Bella's. Bella squirmed and tried to break free, but she couldn't. “Just…just oblige me with this one. Please! I will pay you well!” Kennedy panted. The desire in his voice sent shivers up Bella's spine. Shivers of desire. After all, she had been imagining being in bed with Kennedy just that morning. Gradually, her struggle faded out and she pressed her body against Kennedy’s, settling into the kiss. Of all the cruel pranks in the universe, Bella would never have imagined she would have sex with Kennedy the same day she demanded for a divorce. But that was exactly what happened. In the morning, Bella woke up sore and tired. It had been a night of passion, rough sex, gentle sex, erotic sex. The full gamut, and a taste of everything, just like she had always imagined. On the day she finally gave up on ever having her fantasies played out, reality played a cruel joke on her. Bella sighed and got out of bed. She knew that with Kennedy's opinion of her, he would most likely think that it was all part of her plan to keep him tied to her. Bella would hate for Kennedy to think that of her, especially now she didn't want anything to do with him. Hurriedly, she put on her clothes and escaped from the room. Her whole body was in pain, but the desire to retain her dignity gave her the needed strength. Moments after Bella dashed down the corridor, the door opposite the room opened and someone walked out. It was a brunette, one that had been appearing more and more frequently in the public eyes. It was the popular upcoming actress Kennedy had presumably spent the night with in Greece the previous day. Taria Hilton. She had bags under her eyes. Her face was flushed red. Her eyes were red and puffy, as though she had been crying. And indeed, she had been crying. She hadn't slept a wink all night. Her director for an upcoming movie project hadn't let her sleep a wink through the night. In order to secure her a deal in a big movie project, her manager had arranged a dinner with some big shots in the industry. She had had to fly all the way from Greece back to the country the very next morning after her fake act with Kennedy McKenzie. During dinner, she had started feeling dizzy. When she woke, she was in the director's bed. She didn't try to escape, as it was pointless and would ruin her reputation. She was sore all over and enraged at being used in such a way. But she knew it was a common occurrence in the industry. There was nothing she could do. She took solace in the fact that at least, the role would almost surely be hers if nothing unexpected happens. Glancing up and down the hallway, she staggered out of the room, enduring the pain in her body. However, she lost her balance and crashed against the door of the opposite room. Before she could pull herself up, the door opened and there stood Kennedy, squinting at her. He was wearing nothing but a semi transparent bathrobe. Taria sucked in a breath of cold air. Kennedy McKenzie was an eyeful for any woman. Her heart skipped a beat at his sharp gaze and for an inexplicable reason, she felt a twinge of guilt. Just that morning, news about her and Kennedy McKenzie had been trending all over the internet. There were many rumors and speculations, with the most popular being that she was Kennedy's new girlfriend. Only she and her manager knew the truth. Her manager had only been releasing fake news to the tabloids to push the hype and boost her popularity. After she was spotted with Kennedy McKenzie in the airport the day before, her manager had fabricated the story to make her even more popular. In truth, Kennedy McKenzie had always been cold and distant to her, even when they met at the airport. But for some reason, he hadn't made a statement to clarify the claims and clear his name, which made Taria uneasy. “Good morning, Mr McKenzie,” Taria greeted, trying to hide her discomfort. Kennedy looked her up and down. Though Taria was fully dressed, her clothes were rumpled and some parts were even pulled up further than they should. It was obvious she had dressed in a haste. Furthermore, she hadn't even had the time to properly tie her hair, as was evidenced by the unbrushed mass of hair hanging on her shoulders. Looking further, Kennedy noticed a hickey on her neck. He concluded she must have been the woman that spent the night with him. In reality, he had woken up when the woman was about to finish dressing, but she had been so fast she left before he could stop her. He had quickly put on his clothes and rushed to the door. So it wasn't strange for him to think Taria Hilton, with her disheveled appearance, was the one that spent the night with him. “Are you the lady that spent the night with me?” Kennedy asked, more perfunctory than because he wanted to know. Taria’s eyes flashed. She quickly understood what was happening. It seemed a lady had spent the night with Kennedy McKenzie. But it appeared he had no idea who it was. She wondered who it was. Seeing her hesitant gaze, Kennedy was even more sure. He thought back to the distinct bloodstains on the sheets and his gaze became softer. “Come inside first,” he invited her, his tone gentle. It was all Taria could do not to jump up and down with joy.

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