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“Would he fuck me? What will it be like? Will he be good? Oh God! I wish he would come home right this moment!” Bella was in the kitchen. She had just finished baking some muffins, her husband's favorite snack. She was about to start making some fruit salad and a host of other things. She fully intended to prepare a feast fit for a king. After all, it was the first time her husband would be home in the two years they had married and she had to try her best to show him what she was missing. Bella had been married to Kennedy McKenzie for two years now, but not once had Kennedy set foot in his matrimonial home, talk less of sleep on his matrimonial bed. In fact, on their wedding day, he hadn't even bothered to show up, sending his lawyer and best friend to stand in for him instead. Bella knew he never wanted to marry her. He had been forced by his grandmother to marry her. Some years back, Bella's grandfather had saved Kennedy's grandfather on the war field. The two men had become blood brothers after that and did many things together. They shared their dreams and hopes, their pains and joys. Shortly after the war ended, the two men each started their business. It was a healthy competition in which each strove to make their business bigger than the other person's. But Bella's grandfather died almost at the same time his business finally started blooming. His son, Bella's father, was not a man of business. Soon, even before Bella was old enough to start schooling, the business finally folded and the family fell into penury. So, while Kennedy's grandfather went on to build a business empire that would become the largest in the nation, one that would ensure his children for generations to come always had more than enough money, his best friend's family fell into penury. He couldn't bear it and started taking care of Bella's father and Bella. On his deathbed, to ensure his best friend's family never lacked, he made his wife promise to get Bella married to Kennedy. Kennedy resented having his life directed thus, but he couldn't refuse the old man's dying wish neither could he go against his grandmother. Therefore, he had grudgingly agreed to the marriage. However, he never honored the marriage. As the years went by, Bella, who had always had a crush on Kennedy from the very first day she set her eyes on him finally lost hope of ever winning his heart. How was she supposed to do that when he doesn't even come home? Therefore, her excitement when Kennedy called to tell her he would be coming home that day was understandable. She felt she had to do her best to keep him. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. However, she soon finished cooking but Kennedy wasn't back yet. A little restless, she decides to text Kennedy. The phone rang several times without being answered. Frustrated, Bella stands on the patio, looking out into the street and waiting for her husband. Bored, she decides to browse through the news on her phone. No sooner had she opened her news app that several headlines, all saying the same thing, hit her. [Kennedy McKenzie, heir of the Bloom Conglomerate and CEO of the McKenzie Group Was Caught On Camera With An Upcoming Actress Yesterday] Shocked, Bella quickly browsed through the article. She soon learnt that Kennedy never had any intention of coming home. His itinerary on his particular trip was public. After his time in Greece, which is where he was right now, he was scheduled for a charity event in Rome. However, he had delayed his trip to Rome after he was seen talking with the upcoming actress, Taria Hilton, at the airport. A short time later, they were spotted booking a room in a hotel. Even an idiot would know what happened: the two had hooked up. But if that was not enough evidence, the two were captured on camera in intimate positions. Tears in her eyes, Bella looked at the pictures below the news article. It was likely taken by a drone. It showed the open windows of a hotel, through which the silhouette of a man and a woman locked in a kiss were clearly discernible. Bella had admired Kennedy's pictures long enough to recognize even his silhouette when she saw it. She suddenly felt foolish. Here she was, hoping she still had a chance of getting him back. She should have known his heart was never meant for her. He had said as much on their wedding day, by call no less since he couldn't be bothered to be there. That in itself should have given her enough clues. Suddenly, Bella wiped her eyes. There was a determined and resolute look on her face. She was done pining for Kennedy. She was done pining for a man that would never feel anything for her. Devoid of expression, she pushed the black rimmed old fashioned glasses up the bridge of her nose and looked at the other pictures of herself at the airport. With each swipe of her fingers, with each picture she saw, her heart hardened even more. Taking a deep breath, she picked her phone to call Kennedy. It would be the first time in the two years of their marriage that she would call him. She was surprised when he picked on the first ring. But she quickly collected herself together. He probably doesn't even have her number. Bring a businessman, he would always be quick to answer calls from unknown numbers. Reality proved she was right. “Hello, Kennedy McKenzie of the McKenzie Group here. Who am I speaking with?” Even though his tone was highly official, the deep baritone still sent shivers down Bella's spine. No matter what she thought, she had to admit he had a pretty good voice for a man. “Isabella Glory,” Isabella replied. Since she intended to leave Kennedy, she didn't see any need to continue answering his name. “Nice meeting you, Isabella. How may I help you?” The tone was still very polite, as though he was talking to a potential business partner. Bella scoffed. He doesn't even recognize his own wife's name. “I'm your wife. At least, on paper –” “Oh!” Kennedy's voice immediately got noticeably colder. The politeness was gone. He sounded as though he regretted answering the call. “Yes, oh!” Bella scoffed. “I want a divorce, that's what you can help me with,” A moment of silence ensued. “Have you finally made up your mind?” Kennedy finally asked. “Of course!” “Good. What do you want as alimony? Anything, just name it.” Bella scoffed. “There's no need for that. I don't want anything from you. I only wanted a good marriage, and since I'm not getting that. I'm leaving. Prepare the divorce documents. I will come sign them anytime you ask me,” she said, ranting them all off in one breath. Without waiting for Kennedy's reply, she cut the call. Bella suddenly felt free. She walked to the mirror and pulled off the glasses from her face. After that, she let down her hair which she always tied in a bun. What stared back at her was a very beautiful woman. Smiling sadly, Bella walked up to her room and packed every single article of hers into a suitcase. In a few minutes, the house has lost all traces of Bella, except for the dishes still set out on the table. Bella intended to leave it for Kennedy as a reminder of what he lost.
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