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Chapter 2

Several hours passed while the women were forced to remain huddled together in the concrete room. Screams and the noises of people fighting could be heard coming from up above. When a woman sensed her connection to her family or mate break, she screamed and sobbed. Suddenly an explosion shook the manor, Selena was comforting a child by hugging her and attempting to calm her down. They were trapped in one of the chambers in the basement, and they had no other options; if they remained, they would perish from the smoke within a few minutes. When some debris started to fall upon their backs, Selena looked up and saw what was happening. LIGHT! There was a sliver of daylight, it gradually expanded into more light. A little time later, the smoke began to escape, and an opening about the size of a manhole was opened just above them. She was able to make out the head and shoulders of one man as well as the arms of another as they frantically sought to create room. He lowered his upper body into the hole and reached his arm down to get them. The first ones to move were Nancy, and they climbed as high as they could. Because he was a powerful werewolf, he had no issue carrying them to the top and guiding them through the gap. After what seemed like only a few moments, they were brought out into the daylight. While the house began to shake, Selena put her hand over her mouth. The smoke and dust masked everything, and two guys hovered over the hole as they carried other women out. As they saw the Pack House burn, Selena comforted Nancy by hugging her and crying. Gerald did not mark Selena, and the presence of the silver prevented her from establishing a telepathic connection with him. As the smoke dissipated and her eyes became accustomed to the light, she observed the mutilated bodies of the members of her pack that had been killed. It was obvious they had lost. One of the men who had rescued them remarked, "Your Alpha has been killed." Her train of thought was broken up by the sound of a scream. A man grabbed hold of one of the young women and instructed the others to form a line. "Wait, where exactly are you going to take us?" Selena asked. The man spat back at her with a brusque response, "Of course to the Alpha." "What is going to happen to us?" Nancy questioned with trepidation. The man snarled in response, "If the Alpha is in a good mood, your deaths would be less painful," and then urged Nancy to walk faster. "No, no, no, no, please. Please let me live; I haven't done anything wrong," Nancy pleaded, pleading for her life. Selena felt the terror down to her marrow as she stared at the ground below her. The woman immediately started crying. She couldn't stand by and see anything bad happen to them. Even though she had very little contact with the pack, she was still formally considered to be their Luna. While she was looking up, she noticed that someone was pulling the little girl to walk faster. Celine couldn't take any more of their tears, and before she could even try to stop herself, she yelled at them. "Just leave her alone. She's just a little kid, and she hasn't done anything wrong." Selena lamented her decision as she crunched down on her lower lip. What if they lost their temper and slaughtered every one of them? "What the heck is going on around here? Her attention was drawn to a man's authoritative voice, and she turned to face him. When he spoke, she felt something itching to respond within of her, indicating that he was unquestionably the Alpha. He towered over six feet in height. He wasn't wearing a shirt like the rest of the men. He was only wearing a pair of low-rung skintight jeans, which settled on his hips yet highlighted his big legs. A tattoo started on his left arm and went all the way up to his neck, where it intertwined and continued to his back. He exuded power and masculinity from every pore of his body. Selena had never encountered another male quite like him before. She was rendered speechless merely by his aura, and this was independent of the fact that she was restrained by a silver collar. From where she was standing, the only thing that she could make out about him was that he was an enormous man with a hunky physique. She pleaded with them, "Please don't hurt them." The man took a step forwards and aimed his green eyes directly at the woman. He had jet black hair. As he got closer, Selena couldn't help but look up at him. He appeared to be no more than 25 years old and had a flawlessly chiseled face. But when it came to werewolves, it was impossible to know for sure how old they were. Despite the passage of time, they maintained their youthful appearance. Her arm was grabbed, and she was forcibly removed from the line of people. The man who had rescued her from the cellar made her bend her knees before the Alpha. He compelled her to get on her knees and then told her, "bow down." She fell to her knees and winched as she felt the silver pulling on her neck. "What the hell do you want ?" the Alpha asked irritated. "What...what are you planning to do to us?" He flashed a grin while crossing his broad arms. "What is it that you want me to do?" Selena shook with fear as she heard his men laughing hysterically. It dawned on her all of a sudden that other things were worse than death. What if they were kept as sex slaves instead of being free? As soon as he instructed the man next to him to seize her, she immediately lost any self-assurance she had. The remaining members of her pack made an effort to get away from her in the hopes of avoiding the fury of the Alpha. Crap! Cayden's eyes were riveted on the young woman standing in front of him. The aroma of this woman brought him closer to her, even though he didn't give a damm about the survivors. He wouldn't rest until all of them were fucking dead. "What is your name?" He asked. He moved closer. The young woman couldn't have been more than twenty years old, and she was wearing a silver collar around her neck. Even the other redhead wore a silver collar around her neck, which was quite weird. Cayden inhaled deeply as he took in her aroma by grabbing a clump of her hair. Even though the girl had no bad intentions, she was still a member of the pack, and he had made it his mission to eliminate them from the earth. "Selena." He observed that her dark brown hair was smooth to the touch. Even though his rage was building up inside of him, he was still aware of the way her hair felt in his hands and the alluring aroma that emanated from her. He jerked her head back and peered into the azure depths of her eyes. He had never seen anybody with black hair and blue eyes before; it was a unique mix. She was beautiful with porcelain skin and delicate features. She was terrified, but she made an effort to cover up her feelings. "Why you're wearing a collar ?" he said, inhaling her skin. She explained, "Since I first arrived here, I have been just like this." She was bracing herself by propping herself up with her hands on the ground. She showed that she was not pleased with the conversation by biting her lower lip. Pulling her to her feet, he observed her. She had shapely thighs, a tiny waist, full hips, and the most impressive rack he'd ever seen. He pondered what she looked like naked. While he did this, he rubbed himself against her body and wrapped his fingers around her neck. His dick was comfortable next to her ass. Cayden had an overwhelming urge to fuck her against the wall. "And why should I show any mercy towards them?" He inquired, enjoying his scheme more and more as time went on. "Because they are just innocent women and children! You have previously eliminated their mates, their sons. You really can't have any compassion, can you? Why don't you just let them live? " Cayden switched his attention back to the rest of the pack. He had a strong aversion to every one of them. But the woman he was holding captured his attention more than anything else. As long as she was naked, in his bed, or pushed up against the wall. Nothing else mattered. "What if I don't ?" He mumbled close to her ears. She appeared perplexed for a little moment. "By the rulebook for the council. Rule number 35 on page 227. When a pack is taken over by a new Alpha or a challenger who has defeated the previous Alpha in a manner that is considered to be genuine. It is unlawful for him to kill individuals who have surrendered, as well as any women, children, or any civilians who were not directly involved in the conflict." After staring at her for a few seconds, Cayden burst into laughter. Selena watched the scene unfold with confusion. What made him laugh so hard? He had never before encountered a woman like her. He was used to having bitches fling themselves at him; they were all stupid and only good for one thing. He enjoyed that "one thing". However, this woman was different. She had brains. "How are you so knowledgeable about the laws?" Selena responded, "I...I have read about them." Her dad's library had been the one place of refuge she had found in her previous pack. She could hide there from her stepmother and her brothers, allowing her to spend the time reading. By the time she turned 16, she had memorized most of the books. "I find it fascinating that you have such a photographic memory. Who are you again ?" She heaved a sigh. Selena whispered, "I am Gerald's mate." Instantaneously, his facial expression shifted, and the amused smirk on his face was replaced with a glare. His hold became more firm on her hair, and he came dangerously close to yanking her head back.

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