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Chapter 6

Aadhira swiftly ran out of the room and took off to the corridors which were empty. Her heart was beating at an unknown pace and the adrenaline rush made her ears get hot. What should I do? Was the only question that came to her mind. Her instinct told her to run as far as possible whereas, the rational part of her mind objected, saying- there is no running away from a wolf. All she knew was, she had to run. But where? She didn't know. Arnav stood still. His eyes blinked as he came out of his trance and realized that his mate just ran away from him. It would have been a comical thing for him to laugh at if somebody would have been at his place, but it wasn't. He knew his soul mate was human and that she won't be able to feel the bond that they shared. He still couldn't believe the fact that she just pushed him and ran away. He had waited years for her and never in his dream he thought something like this would happen. His wolf became furious due to the lack of love and affection that his mate displayed. His eyes narrowed at the place where she once stood. Shraddha wanted to calm the raging Alpha, as she knew what will become of her friend if he remained angry like this. She was about to say something but he left the place at a speed she only could imagine. The whole class was now staring at the scene that the human created. They internally wanted to scoff at her dare to run away from her mate that too an Alpha! But they didn't. They couldn't disrespect their Luna- whom they just recognized. Shraddha followed him out of the room, but when she came out she was met with an empty corridor. How exactly fast is this dog? She wondered. She didn't notice the fact that the invigilator didn't stop her from leaving the examination hall. Aadhira was now at the last step of the staircase. She was about to get out of the building when her instinct told her to turn and see where the wolf had reached. And probably, that was the worst mistake she could commit. As soon as she turned around, a swift wind blew on her face and the next thing she experienced was getting pinned on the nearby wall. His movement was so fast and controlled that even when she hit the wall, she didn't feel pain. It was now that she realized, that his hand which was behind her had actually protected her. She would have thanked him, but then looking at his face, she decided to keep quiet. She was breathing heavily due to the stunt that she just pulled, whereas he stared at her and appreciated her beauty. Light sweat was visible on her forehead. She waited for him to speak something first, but that didn't come. He was too indulged in appreciating his mate. He could stand like that forever and look at his soulmate if that was possible. She stood there for what seemed like an eternity, just staring at the crisp black color shirt that he wore. But, when his hand which held her back started moving up, she started panicking. She tried to push him again, but he wasn't stupid to become a fool now. He was completely in his senses and oh, how he loved his mate struggling in front of her. The animalistic side of him was clearly on the surface, but she was too naive to realize it. " P.please let me g.go! I....I swear I won't tell anybody. " she begged. Too bad for her that her panicked voice triggered his lust for her more and his grip tightened behind her. She looked at him to see if he understood what she said, but when she did, she instantly regretted it. His eyes were pitch black, which was not at all normal. It scared her more than his speed. He looked like a monster, even though he was one already. She struggled more to get out of his vice grip, but it was all in vain. She did whatever she could do, even slapped on his chest for God's sake. But, he didn't budge a centimeter. She was about to curse at him, but he silenced her. He pulled her flush to him with such strength, that she almost fell on him. Not even an air gap was present between them, now. Her panic rose to the highest level. She had never experienced this kind of intimacy with anyone. Of course, she fantasized, but then it was always a human, not a werewolf! " P.please, let me go....." she whispered on the verge of crying. She was flushed to him to such an extent that, even moving felt difficult. She could feel his body on hers, and it disgusted her. Whereas, he was enjoying every part of it. "Shh!" He hushed her, and it worked very well with her. His voice sounded different from earlier. It was a bit more........ heavy. She wanted to look at his face, but couldn't as he held her too tight. Her face was stuck to his chest. His manly odor filled her senses. He cornered her hair behind her ear while savoring the smoothness of her hair. Bending down, he submerged his head on the crook of her neck, sniffing her. He placed a light kiss on her neck, to which she started struggling again. "Get away from me." She said angrily, but he wasn't having any of her excuses. He was instead enjoying her resistance. After all, wolves love a chase! She felt him chuckle at her comment. That scared her. He raised his head from her neck and trailed wet kisses till he reached her ear. " Why? " was his simple whispered question. She stood still for a while, as obviously, she was scared. She didn't realize her friend come into the scene. "I d.don't want to be somebody's s.soul mate. Please, understand!" she begged, wishing he would understand her. Instantly, he tightened his grip on her waist more, making her wince in pain. He felt as if she would disappear any moment. " I will not tell anybody...... not even to the Alpha. I promise! " She said. Shraddha rolled her eyes at Aadhira's stupidity. Arnav's eyes narrowed in confusion. He retracted his head from her neck and loosened the grip on her waist to look at her. " Alpha?" He asked getting confused as to who this Alpha was. The last time he checked, he himself was the one. Aadhira took it as her chance to convince him. " I know, it's illegal according to the law, to leave your soul mate. And, the Alpha of the region has full right to punish them. This is why, I swear, I won't tell anybody. And, the Alpha won't even get a trace of this thing. You can let me go. No harm will fall upon you. Trust me!" She suggested with wide eyes. He found her cuter now. " You don't know who I am?" He asked, amused by the fact that his mate didn't recognize him......still. She narrowed her eyes. "Should I know you?" She asked while removing his hand. He even let her move away from him, to get a better look at his mate. He decided to play along with her ignorance. Wolves love to play with their mates. It's their natural tendency, and being an Alpha wasn't any exception. He shook his head negatively with a genuine smile. He was in love with her already. She nodded sheepishly, feeling weird by the way he was looking at her. This is what she never liked- the creepy look that wolves give to their mates. The time was ticking by, and she knew she won't be able to finish her exam if this went on for long. She needed to get to the exam hall. But, she was afraid of the werewolf in front of her. What if he kills her for disobeying him? She wondered. " I......" she tried to ask his permission for writing the exam, but couldn't muster the courage to do so. His physical appearance was enough to scare the shit out of her. Where she was petite like a feather, he was pure hulk. She bit her lower lip in fear. Well, that was enough to trigger his lust towards her and in no time she was pinned to the wall again. He pushed himself on her and placed his lips on hers. She froze. Seconds passed by. She stood frozen while he savored her lips. It was like heaven for him. Probably, the best thing he ever tasted. It was addictive and enthralling. What was she doing to him! Suddenly, she came out of her sense and immediately pushed him with all the force she could collect. He stumbled back like the first time he did. "How dare you?" She shouted, to which Shraddha gasped. No one shouts at the Alpha! But, he seemed out of the world. "So sweet!" She heard him say lowly, while he touched his lips with his fingers. She was about to turn away when he pulled her by her wrist to her original position. She sighed in frustration. This can't be happening! She thought. " You're my soul mate." He stated happily. " I am not your soul mate! Why don't you understand? I don't want to be with you." She almost screamed at him. It made him furious. Insanity engulfed his mind, and the primal instinct of his wolf came to the surface. " MINE!" he growled and instantly crashed his lips over hers to show her that, she was his. She struggled again. Tears threatened to fall and all she wanted was for the ground to swallow her instantly. He was kissing her roughly this time. His hands on her waist and neck were a bit painful for her to bear. She winced and begged him to stop. "Please......you're h.hurting me!" She tried to say, but it didn't come quite clear. He growled in response and pulled her more towards him. He could feel her struggle more and that enraged him. Shraddha knew this would happen. She knew what will happen if we try to resist the wolf. They go crazy and would do anything to be close to her/him, even if it meant hurting them. Jay himself didn't let her leave the bed for a whole half-day, literally, just to make sure she doesn't run away from him. She felt the need to help her. But how? How can she help Aadhira without provoking the Alpha? She wondered. Immediately, she shouted to gain the attention of the two of them. And it quite worked well as Arnav immediately stiffened, without breaking contact with his mate's lips. Shraddha instantly brought her hands to her mouth as he felt the Alpha get stiff. It was now that Arnav felt somebody's presence near him. His wolf was so indulged in his soulmate that he didn't even sense anything unusual. The nearby wolves immediately came onto the scene to see why somebody shouted. Sensing their Alpha, they didn't speak anything. Jay too ran towards the source of the scream, as soon as he recognized it to be his mate's voice. With the speed he had, he immediately reached the floor where they were. He was about to run towards his mate but stopped as soon as he felt his Alpha. Around twenty wolves had assembled. They all stared at their Alpha and Luna. Jay stared at Aadhira and was shocked to realize that she was indeed his Luna. Everything became clear to him. He understood why he couldn't mistreat her, as his wolf always knew that she was his Luna. He just wasn't sure then. But, now he was. His gaze fell on his Alpha and saw him looking at his mate. Oh no! He whispered. Arnav turned around to look at the person who dared to raise her voice in front of him. On instinct, he pushed Aadhira behind him, in an attempt to protect her. But, she still tried to peek around his wide shoulders to ask for help from her friend. Arnav growled in order to ask for the reason why the human shouted for no reason. " I....I....." Shraddha tried to reason, but couldn't find words as he looked at the Alpha. Her hands started sweating as fear consumed her. Jay immediately came to her rescue. " My apologies, Alpha. My mate wasn't in her right state of mind." Jay said with full respect. Aadhira immediately recognized him as Jay. She didn't notice the title that Jay gave Arnav. Arnav glanced at the wolf. The right state of mind? Shraddha internally scoffed. She didn't know that her so-called soul mate would mock her like this. " Name and rank." Arnav demanded. His voice was so deep and powerful, that Jay had to control his wolf to not whimper. " Jay. Warrior of Jaipur. " he stated confidently. "Take your mate away." Arnav commanded, not liking the disrespect she showed. " Yes, Alpha." Jay nodded and walked towards Shraddha. Alpha!!! Aadhira noticed what he said and a gasp left her mouth. Her heart squeezed at this information. But she didn't lose her sanity now. She immediately interfered as she didn't want Shraddha to leave her alone with him. It was now that she recognized him as the Alpha. She had seen his pictures here and there on television, but never took interest in it. But, now she could make out the resemblance. " No stop, please." She begged. Jay immediately stopped from taking Shraddha out of the scene. Arnav turned to face his mate. "What is it mate?" He asked. Aadhira wanted to hit him on his head so as to not call him mate again, but knowing now that he was an Alpha, she controlled her temper. " I..... sh.she is my friend. " She replied. Fear was clearly evident in her voice. The animalistic side of him hot turned on by seeing his mate scared. " You don't need her anymore." He stated. " Take her away." He ordered again. The possessiveness for his mate was increasing at a tremendously fast rate. He wanted her to want only him and no one else. "You can't do this!" She whined looking straight into his eyes, which caught his attention immediately. " I can do anything I want, mate. I am an Alpha, don't forget! And I don't want you to be with this stupid girl." Arnav decided which made Aadhira dislike him more than ever.

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