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Her Struggle

I suddenly jolted out of my sleep at the sound of my bedroom door being slammed open and an angry Alpha standing in my doorway. I was still in a daze, trying to awaken my senses to recognize my surroundings as I was still half asleep when my large hand made contact with my face making my head turn the other way harshly. That sure woke me up, and I’m sure my cheek would turn blue any time now. I was even able to taste blood from my split lip. “You bitch! Why are you still in bed?!” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes internally at the word’ bed.’ Do you call that a bed? I was sleeping on the floor with a torn-out jacket as my pillow and a single torn blanket. “What? Are you waiting for us, your majesty, to bring breakfast in bed? Don’t you know that today is an important day?!” Alpha Deklan spat angrily at my face after throwing the mocking words to me. I looked out my small window, and the sun was already up. I usually wake up at very early hours in the morning when only a single ray of sunlight is visible. I didn’t realize I slept so late. But you can’t blame me; after all, I was in so much pain from yesterday’s beating. I had broken ribs, my hand was broken, and my right leg went numb with every move I made. I felt a rough hand grab my shirt, pull me up, and then push me to the door. “Hurry the fuck up! I want everything ready and perfect when the Red Crescent pack arrives. I want the whole house to be cleaned thoroughly and enough food prepared. And don’t forget to wash your filthy hands before you start cooking, we don’t wanna get poisoned.” Silently, I made my way downstairs, trying to bear with the pain and finish my job, but as time passed, my body became more and more exhausted, and the pain became more excruciating. I had zero energy by the time I finished, I felt dizziness, and the pain just kept worsening from my movements. I knew my body was going to give up sooner or later. Sooner or later, all this terrible situation will be over. Perhaps that time, I was dead. It was time for the party, and my whole pack was outside in the large backyard where the party would be held, waiting for the other pack. Of course, I couldn’t step outside or show anyone my face. I had finished the rest of the dishes when my vision went blurry, and my legs couldn’t hold me any longer, causing me to fall on the cold ground. No, I wanted to wait till the clock struck 12:00, indicating the beginning of the New Year and my birthday. Yes, I was born on the first of January. I thought it was cool to celebrate a birthday at the same time when a new year began, so I held onto it tightly and never forgot it, even though I forgot my name as time passed by. I pinched my arm tightly to sober up myself and made another birthday wish to survive. I slightly shook my head and decided to go wash my face. It was 11:30; I had to endure just another 30 minutes. I would turn 20, and then I would finally leave. I splashed my face with cold water and looked at myself in the small mirror I hid under one of the broken tiles of my so-called bathroom. I looked hideous. My black hair was dead, reaching my lower back, right above my behind. I never got a chance to cut or trim it. My blue eyes were dull and lifeless. They looked drained of color, and my skin was paler than a vampire, making all my bruises and scars more than clearly visible. I hated how I looked, but there was no one to blame other than the people who caused all my sufferings. I don’t really remember anything of my childhood except, of course, that dreadful day when my parents decided to sell me as a slave, but I’m sure I wasn’t born looking this sickly. My vision blurred again, and the room was turning like a hurricane, and without notice, it turned dark, and everything collapsed in front of my tired eyes. ***** Luke’s POV Vanilla and lavenders. The scent I would never forget. The scent that I spent the past ten years searching for. The scent that kept me going this whole time. “Mate. Go, find our mate.” I heard my wolf howl and was so close to coming out, and of course, he didn’t have to tell me twice. I immediately darted towards the backyard and started sniffing for her scent. I could feel my parents, Jack, Taylor, and the twins run after me while the girls stayed put in the cars. “Luke, what’s wrong?” I heard my father ask as he scanned the surroundings for any danger. “Mate,” I growled loudly. I was getting anxious each second. She was here, and I don’t plan on losing her again after I have finally found her. “Mate? Oh my boy, finally, congratulations.” I heard my mom’s happy voice, but I couldn’t care about her pleasant greetings now. It was still early. My eyes were scanning everyone in the backyard, but no results. She wasn’t there. My wolf and I grew more impatient. I sniffed for her scent again and started walking. I was heading towards the packhouse when Alpha Deklan stood in my way. “Alpha Luke!” He said rather cheerfully, but I could sense the hint of fear, and he looked nervous. “I’m really happy you made it. Let’s go to our seats, shall we?” He said, giving me a half-smile. Something was up to him, and I could feel it. “Mate,” I growled again with my wolf, and I’m sure my eyes turned black now. “What?” Deklan was surprised. “Your mate is here? That’s wonderful. All the girls are here outside, let’s go find her together.” “No, my mate isn’t outside. Her scent is coming from there.” I told him, pointing towards his packhouse. He gave out a nervous laugh and scratched the back of his head. “Umm......I think you’re mistaken. All the girls are out there. Why don’t we go look more closely.” He said and motioned with his hand for me to follow him. “NO, MY MATE IS INSIDE THAT HOUSE, AND I WILL GET HER NO MATTER WHAT. NOW GET OUT OF MY WAY!!” I snapped, and that made everyone look in our direction. I felt him tense and started to shake. “THIS IS MY PACKHOUSE, AND I WON’T ALLOW ANYONE IN, EVEN IF IT WAS YOU!” He spat back angrily, obviously annoyed that he was being ordered since he was an Alpha and carried responsibility in their pack. Deklan’s POV Shit. Shit. This is not happening. If Alpha Luke went inside the house, he would definitely find ‘her,’ and I will be in heaps of trouble. Since she was a human and I took her as a slave to work for us, people won’t appreciate this story. Well, it’s not her parent’s fault for selling her to me. I have to think of some ways. I took a deep breath and started again. “Look, I don’t want any war between us, so I’d rather go inside to check who it was and ask her to come out. If it was your mate, as you claim, then I would be glad to let her meet you.” That made him calm down a bit, but his eyes were still black. “Hurry up.” That was all he said. I quickly entered the house and locked the door behind me. I searched in the kitchen and living room, but there was no one. I then walked to the hallway, which had several rooms for some of our pack members. I opened the first four rooms, and there was no one. I heard some movement in the fifth and knocked it. It was my sister Amanda’s room. Within seconds the door opened, revealing my sister Amanda in a beautiful baby blue dress and matching heels. She had her hair up but left a few strands down to frame her face. I couldn’t help the smile that made its way to my face. If Amanda were Alpha Luke’s mate, then that would be awesome. Our pack will be very strong, and no one will dare challenge us. Amanda gave me a confused look. “Okay, spill, what do you want?!” My smile grew, and I hugged her tightly. “Deklan... can’t.......breath” I chuckled upon hearing her complain. “Okay, sorry, sorry.” “So, what’s this all about,” she asks confusedly. I took her hand quickly. “Come on, your mate is waiting for you downstairs.” She gasped and stopped walking. “My mate?!” She asked, shock was written on her face. I nodded happily to her. “Who? And how do you know he’s my mate?!” I smiled again.” Well, Alpha Luke said that he caught onto his mate’s scent and that it was coming from the house, and as far as I know, you are the only one here, darling.” I threw her a wink and widely grinned. She gasped again. “Alpha Luke? As in Luke Sam Thompson? Alpha of the Red crescent pack?” I nodded again to respond to her query. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree, and she bolted down the stairs. I chuckled again at her actions as I followed her outside the packhouse. Luke’s POV Alpha Deklan went inside the house and locked the door, much to my discomfort, but I had to keep it in. I was finally going to meet my mate. I can’t believe it. After several years of looking for her, finally, our fate made its way. I heard the door open and a girl with a baby blue gown run with Alpha Deklan following behind her and jumped into my arms, hugging me tightly. My mate? But there was no spark in my heart and the so-called excitement everyone spoke about? Why don’t I feel connected to her? She kissed my cheek, and I couldn’t help but feel disgusted. She was not my mate. Plus, she smelt different. She doesn’t have the familiar scent that I am accustomed to over the years. I quickly dropped her off to the ground. “You are not my mate,” I said sternly, and I could hear gasps erupting from the crowd. “Who are you?” I spat angrily. She looked shocked but quickly shook it away and stood up. “I’m Amanda, Alpha Deklan’s sister and your mate.” She smiled, showing her teeth. I didn’t like her smile at all as it appeared creepy. “No, you are not my mate,” I growled and repeated my words. “So what if I’m not? I’m sure I’m way better than whoever is out there.” She wiggled her eyebrows and emphasized the word whoever. How dare she. “WHERE IS MY MATE?!” I yelled. I couldn’t take it anymore, and my wolf was going to take over. I felt the wind pass by, and my mate’s scent hit my nostrils harder, making my eyes turn black again. I pushed this Amanda girl to the side and headed to the packhouse. Alpha Deklan tried to stop me again, but he failed as I welcomed him with a strong push. I was gonna find her. I have to find her. I walked through the door with my parents, Jake, Taylor, and the twins, hot on my heels. They didn’t utter a word. They knew better than to talk to me right now. I sensed Alpha Deklan and Amanda following us. I followed the beautiful scent, and it slowly pulled me up the stairs. We kept going past the second and third floors, but when I was going to complete, I was blocked by a door. There was a door locking the rest of the staircase. This increased my confusion. I tucked in the door handle, and it slowly opened. This made my mate’s scent grow. But before I could proceed, I was stopped yet again by Alpha Deklan. “Get out of my way,” I growled at him. I grew angry and gave him a sense of dreadful warning. “Why are you going up? There is no one up there?” He asked. I could feel his heartbeat grow, and he was sweating like a pig. Even Amanda had a worried look on her face. What is going on?! “What do you mean no one is up there? My mate is up there.” I muttered angrily. “No, she’s not. She can’t be.” He said in disbelief. I growled loudly at him again, pushed him to the side, and continued my way up the stairs. There was yet another room, and it looked like we reached an attic of some sort. My mate’s scent grew stronger, and I knew she was right behind that door. I quickly opened the door and was stopped dead in my tracks. It took me moments to let the scene sink into my mind, and I heard my mom gasp. There she was, my mate, lying on the cold floor, wearing nothing but rags. The other side of her cheeks was blue, and her lip was bleeding. I saw that one of her hands was bent at a weird angle, and I knew it was broken. Was she still breathing? I asked silently, looking at her in pain. Without a second thought, I ran towards her and pulled her into my arms. She was so skinny, her skin was cold, her face was pale, and she was barely breathing. I couldn’t help the tears that slipped my eyes at the image of my mate. Please stay with me, please. I can’t lose you again. I just can’t.

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