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Our Sister

"So. Because my sister was an Omega, did you decide that she wasn't good enough for you or your perfect little image and get rid of her? Am I correct?" Monika  asked. Still nothing. She walked closer to her parents so she could see their expressions. "You just threw her away and never looked back. Am I hitting the right side of the head? Let me know when I'm wrong. For 18 years, I have asked you what was wrong with me. Why was I having this constant ache in my chest that wouldn't go away, and you knew the entire fucking time? My soul was calling out to my sister, and you just let me be in pain! MY FUCKING SISTER!! THE OTHER HALF OF ME!!" Monika laughed darkly. "No wonder you spoiled me with anything and everything I wanted. You couldn't live with the guilt of what you had done. Well, congratulations! My older sister hates my fucking guts! Because of you!" Jia and Jones had tears in their eyes as their daughter walked out of the room, and Sam followed her. Alex looked furious at them; he showed them no sympathy. They deserve to get whatever is coming to them. "I thought you were good people, but now my eyes have been opened. I can see all the lies you've ever told Monika and me. You told us Omegas were beneath us and should be treated as housewives and breeders, nothing more. But you know what the worst part is? We actually thought you were right before we joined Alex's pack. After getting my ass kicked by one of the strongest Omegas in our school, I can see how wrong you are. Omegas should be treated with respect and cherished. And our sister is special; there aren't many badass Omegas in the world, and you just tossed her to the side like she was trash. Tell me, do you even care about her? Have you searched for her?" Both parents shook their heads, and Types scoffed. "Of course not. Well, you should be happy to know she's doing way better without any of us. Now let's see how you feel when we abandon you just like the way you did to our sister." Type left the room, and the parents raced after them, begging for them to stay, but the siblings weren't hearing it. "Please, we can work this out! We could try to find her. Please don't leave us like this. We're your parents; you can't do this to us!" Jia screamed, tears clouding her eyes. Not believing she's losing her children because of a filthy Omega. "You're leaving because of some filthy Omega?! She's not worth it! She will never be anything in life. So why drag yourselves down with her? She's only good for breeding children and taking care of a house. No one would dare give an omega a job. She won't be able to provide for herself. Hers, Alpha, would have to do all the work. She's worthless!" Jones spat out. Alex punched Jones so hard in the face that he fell unconscious. Jia gasped, calling out her husband's name, but he was out cold. She glared at Alex but stopped when Alex's eyes flashed red, challenging her to make one more move. She thought better of it, whimpering away. "Oh no, please continue what you were about to do!" Alex said it coldly. Jia stood in her place, leaning down to check on her husband. "You are forbidden to speak to Type and Monika. You are forbidden from coming to my home or our school. If you cut off their funding, you will be put in jail. After we leave here, you better find yourselves a good lawyer because I'm coming for you and I'm taking you down. You are a disgusting human being, and the sight of you makes me sick. If you threatened Monika or Type, I wouldn't hesitate to rip your throats out. You know my reputation; don't test me. You aren't even allowed to look for the daughter you've abandoned. You won't even know what she looks like, let alone her name. It's really sad that she's grown into a wonderful woman, and she made it with the likes of you." "You can't do this to us; they are our children, and we have all rights to them as parents. You can't order us anything related to our own children's" Jia screams and starts crying. "Yeah, sure, children; they are your children's. And it doesn't matter how much I try or how much they try; no one can change this fact. But ask yourself, Jia, do you throw away your third child because she is Omega? Do you have any idea what would happen if she ended up in an orphanage or some horrible place? She is your own child, Jia, your own blood, but all you did was throw her away because she is Omega." Alex asks with his Alpha voice, which sends Jia spinning. "I don't have a choice," Jia said while biting her lips. "Oh really? You don't have a choice but to love your own daughter," Monika asked as she and Type came down the stairs with bags and suitcases of clothes. Not wanting to leave them anything with their scent on it. "Baby" "No, Sam, I want to know. She and her husband always said that before we joined your pack, me and my brother Type always thought Omegas were worthless; she and her husband taught us Omegas were good for nothing. But when we joined your pack, only then did we understand about Omegas. Even though we never talk to them or never glance at them, we know they are precious." "Yes, but toady, we got to know omegas can kick your ass too, and man, it's hurt like hell." He typed out his sister's sentence, making them chuckle. "Omega beat you?" Jones asks in a distinguishing tone, which makes Simon angry. "Don't you dare, Jones; don't look down on my mate." "Let him, Simon. You want to know who kicked my ass?" He asked his father, but he didn't get an answer. "None other than my younger sister and your daughter, whom you throw like garbage." "But she is an omega; omegas are weak. It's not possible," Jia asked them. "You are wrong, mother; omegas are not weak. They are precious, but not weak. And our sister, oh, you guys better don't show your face to her otherwise she will put you in your real place," Monika answered, which made her angry. "I am your mother, Monika; respect me." "Oh, you are not; from now on, we are cutting our every tie with you guys. So fuck off." Monika hisses, and they start leaving. "Why can't you understand? We don't have a choice. Try to understand us; we are your parents. We don't want you guys to face any shame because of your sister." Jia started following them and giving every excuse she had. When they come outside the house, they turn around. "We are proud to have her as our sister, and it is about choice. You have a choice, mother; you have a choice to be an omega mother; you have a choice to make her strong; you have a choice to protect her from everyone; you have a choice to love her but you. You choose the wrong way, you make the wrong decision, and you throw your own child away. Now, mother, don't waste your time; we've already made our decision. If you ever try to contract Monika or me, I will kill you by myself without thinking twice. Good-bye mother, have a great life, and keep hating Omegas." Type said while taking both his and Monika's family lockets and throwing them in front of Jia's eyes. They didn't need them to track them after they left. Sam and Simon helped their friends load their bags into the cars. Type lifted the hood of his car, took out the GPS tracker, and tossed it on the ground. He did the same with Monika, then with their phones. When they were upstairs, the siblings called their banks, changed their account information, and took their parents off the accounts as well. After today, they didn't want anything to do with either of them. The pack left without saying another word to Jia. She stood there with tears in her eyes as she lost her children for good. And it's because of some Omega. Jia will make sure to destroy that Omega life; she will take every precious thing away from her. She will make sure Omega will cry in pain, but no one can help her.       On the other side, Monika is crying her eyes out, and Sam tries to console her, but Type doesn't know what to do. Everything changes in their lives within a few hours. "Do you think she will accept us? Even talk to us?" Monika asked him while sniffing. "I don't know Moni, but don't worry; we will try our best." Type knows he can't promise anything to his sister; he doesn't know if Ashly is going to accept them or even talk to them. "Guys, don't worry; I am here. And as your leader, I promise I will give you and your sister back. And it seems impossible because, man, your sister is a pain in the ass. I am really scared of her. What if she kicks my ass? You know I have a reputation." Alex teases them; he knows it's impossible, but they need to try harder. "Wow, the great Alex Lucifer is scared." "SHUT-UP SAM" Everyone burst into laughter, and Alex just rolled his eyes. He just hopes everything will be fine in the future and Monika and Type will get their sister back.

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