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Sir, we are late

When Renea walked out of the bridal shop, she saw a white BMW parked outside the shop. Then a woman in a bright red dress got out of the car and greeted Jasper with a smile. The woman was none other than Kailey. Renea held up her heavy wedding dress and ran toward the car. She wanted to explain to Jasper that she didn’t cheat on him… However, Jasper didn’t even give her the chance to speak. Without even looking at Renea, who was running toward him, Jasper, opened the door of the BMW and sat down. Then he looked at Kailey who was standing outside, and urged her to get in. However, Kailey didn’t get in, but just looked at Jasper and smiled sweetly. Then, she looked at Renea who was running over in a mess, and said, “Jasper, you leave first. I have something to talk to Renea.” Jasper looked at her for a moment, then nodded. After that, he asked the driver to drive. Then his car disappears in the crowd. When Renea ran over, Jasper was already gone. Seeing this she immediately panicked. Renea held Kailey’s hand and said, “Kailey, Jasper had misunderstood me. You know what had happened that day… it was all a misunderstanding… Kailey, please you have to help me explain to Jasper… you know how much I love him… right…” Renea said, with a sobbing voice. Her hand that was holding Kailey’s arm was trembling. Kailey held Renea’s hand that was holding her arm and the gentle smile on her face was replaced by a cold one. She looked at Renea as if she was looking at a fool and said, “Renea, there is no need you to explain anything…” Renea was so nervous that she didn’t see the cold smile on her face. She looked in the direction where Jasper's car went and said, “No, I have to explain Jasper, I…” “What’s the point of explaining things to the person who has planned everything…” Kailey interrupted, as she shook Renea’s hand that was holding her arm away. Hearing her words, Renea paused. She looked at Kailey in confusion as if she didn’t understand the meaning behind her words, or you could say that she didn’t want to believe it… “Why did you look so shocked, Renea? Do you really think that Jasper loves you and wants to marry you…” Kailey said with a smirk. She continued, “Let me tell you, the whole video incident was planned by Jasper, so that he can get rid of us of the stupid marriage with you… he was the one who sent you in the bed of another man and spent a wonderful night with me…” “Renea, you are just a adopted daughter of the Morris family. Do you really think that Mom and Dad will let you inherit the Morris family…?” Every word that came out from Kailey’s mouth was like a sharp knife, which stabbed Renea’s heart, causing her to be badly injured. Kailey looked at Renea with her eyes filled with coldness and said, “Renea, why did you look so surprised. You are nothing but just a thief, a thief who stole my identity and everything belongs to me. I am the real daughter of the Morris family, but it was you who lived a life of a rich daughter. However, now you even want to steal the property that belongs to me…” “Ha! Dream on! I will never let you get anything that belongs to me… The family, the property, and even Jasper… it was all mine…” Kailey said coldly. Her whole face was filled with coldness and viciousness… After hearing everything Kailey said, Renea froze. Suddenly everything that happened in the past played in her head like a move and she realized that everything that happened in the past was all their schemes… Her adoptive parents purposefully showered her with indulgence, while her brother deliberately took her to numerous bars. And Kailey played her part by providing cover. They just wanted to trample on her dignity and pride at this moment today. However, Renea did not understand why. She could not figure out how she had let the Morris family down. Renea was adopted by Morris's family when she was very young. At that time, her adopted parents announced to the public that their real daughter had disappeared and to heal their wounds, they adopted a girl, Renea. When Renea came to the Morris family, she was very happy, because she thought she also had parents like other children. However, Renea didn’t receive any happiness or care from her adoptive parents. No matter how excellent her marks were or how many awards she received, her adoptive parents were always cold and indifferent toward her… In short, in the Morris family, except for her grandfather, no one had ever treated her well. However, not long after her grandfather's death, their adoptive parents suddenly said that they had found their real daughter and brought her back. Renea always felt guilty about Kailey that she was away from her parents for so long, so she did her best so that Kailey didn’t feel uncomfortable. She even concealed her brilliance, so that Kailey could shine and bask in the admiration of others. However, only now did she realize that she was a fool… It turned out that they did everything for the inheritance left by her grandfather. The love and care she gave them become nothing in front of the money… Thinking all of this now, Renea felt ridiculous. Renea looked at Kailey coldly. Her eyes were burning with anger. She said, “Kailey Morris, I will never let you get successful in your plans. I will tell the whole world what kind of evil people the members of the Morris family are… I will let the whole world know your true colors…” After Renea finished speaking, she held her heavy wedding gown and was ready to leave. At this moment, Kailey looked at the car not standing far away and then taunted Renea who was walking in front of her, “Renea, you won’t get the chance… Because you are going to commit suicide because of guilt and shame…” Hearing her words, Renea stopped, as she didn’t know what was going on. She turned to look at Kailey, and saw a vicious smile on her face… “Tomorrow the whole city will know that the adopted daughter of the Morris family commits a suicide because of guilt and shame…” Kailey said with a smile… Before Renea could understand the meaning behind her words, Kailey walked over and pushed her toward the road. As soon as she pushed, Renea, a car sped toward Renea and hit her… Renea flew in the air because of the force and with a loud “bang” she was thrown to the ground. Renea was lying on the ground as the blood flowed from her head. Her white wedding dress turned red, because of the blood. Renea felt the unbearable pain in her body… She looked at Kailey, who was standing other side of the road and looking at her with a mocking smile, and her heart was filled with reluctance and remorse. “No… No… I can’t die like this… I have to live… I didn’t get my revenge yet… I can’t die like this…” Renea mumbled. Her eyes filled with reluctance… However, no matter how hard she tried, she was not able to do anything. Slowly her surroundings became quiet and everything around her turned black… **** Not far away, a black Roll-Royce stopped not far from the crowd. Then a man in a black suit gets out of the car. He strode toward Renea and checked her breathing. He furrowed his brows and his expression turned grave. At the very moment, a man donning a tailored suit also gets out of the car, exuding an aura of elegance and confidence. His striking features, ice gaze, and legal demeanor commanded attention. The man in a black suit said, “Sir, we are late.” Aron Kingston frowned and after a moment, he said lightly, “Give her a proper burial.

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