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Chapter 6 Kevin Saves the Day

I realized that Alan had lied on the phone earlier. I quickly laughed it off and said, "No, I was just busy and didn't hear the phone. I'm fine!" "Good. It's nothing major. There's a business-themed dinner, and your father thought it would be good for Alan to bring you since their family is in the same industry." Hearing my mom’s words, I realized Alan's call was probably about this event. I felt a bit awkward. Nodding repeatedly, I said, "Okay, I understand. I'll go with Alan." After hanging up, I hesitated for a while before calling Alan. Great, he didn't answer! After several calls, he finally picked up, leisurely saying, "What? Done having wild kids? Have time now?" I was fuming. This was the first time I realized how sharp-tongued Alan could be. His sarcastic tone was infuriating. "Did you call earlier about the dinner?" I asked dryly. Alan chuckled, "What else? Did you think I cared about who you're in bed with?" I was at a loss for words, coldly saying, "Got it. I'll be there tomorrow." I hung up immediately, feeling extremely annoyed. I wondered how to tell my parents I wanted a divorce from Alan. They had warned me when I wanted to marry Alan, saying he didn't love me and I would regret it. But I didn’t believe them then, thinking Alan would eventually love me. So, I had forced them to arrange the marriage through Hecate. Now, if I said I wanted a divorce, I couldn't imagine their reaction. But this marriage had to end. I couldn't let my family become enemies with Alan and end up bankrupt. Lost in thought, I suddenly noticed someone sitting across from me. Looking up, I saw it was the handsome man from last night. He winked at me and smiled, "We meet again." Seeing him, I smiled too. Although I felt nothing physically, I had lost my memory of last night, so this man might be the one I spent the night with. I expected him to talk about our night, but instead, he said, "We didn't get to enjoy a nice evening last night. How about making up for it today?" I stared at him, "So, nothing happened last night?" He seemed surprised by my question, "Something was supposed to happen, but your husband showed up and took you away." I was stunned. So, the Alan I saw last night wasn’t a dream but the real Alan taking me home from the club? No wonder I felt nothing today and was still in yesterday's clothes. Seeing me silent, the man covered my hand with his, his eyes teasing, "Shall we continue today?" I smiled, "You know I have a husband, and you still want to continue?" His eyes roved over me with a predatory gleam, stopping at my chest, "Doesn't that make it more exciting?" He was good-looking, but the way he ogled me felt sleazy and gross. I immediately lost interest, pulling my hand away. "Sorry, you’re a bit of a turn-off. Find another table." I directly told him to leave. The man looked annoyed, "You were the one who flirted with me last night." I shrugged, leaning back in my chair, "So what? I don't fancy you now." My voice was louder, attracting some attention despite the few people around. Fortunately, Linda and Kevin were nowhere in sight, probably off doing couple things in a back alley. A waiter came over, asking if I needed help, glancing at the man. He got up angrily and moved to another table. To thank the waiter, I gave a generous tip before leaving. Money spoke volumes in showing my appreciation for his service. I didn't expect the man to block my way to the parking garage. I narrowed my eyes, "What do you want?" He leered at me, "You flirted with me and then ditched me. Your husband pushed me too. You owe me. How about some fun? Don't worry, I'm good." My eyes turned cold, and I turned to run. But I overestimated my speed. The man grabbed me, and I panicked. His disgusting breath on my neck made me think I was doomed when I heard a grunt from behind. Turning, I saw the man clutching his head after being hit. Kevin had saved me. I didn't have time to thank him. The man, recovering, punched Kevin, making him bleed and fall. "Damn kid, interfering with my business. I'll beat you to death!" He attacked Kevin, who was on the ground. Seeing a baseball bat nearby, I grabbed it. As Kevin struggled, I hit the man hard several times. Kevin managed to turn the tables, punching the man until he was unconscious. Kevin collapsed, exhausted. I hurried to help him up. His face was bloody, and he looked bad. I got him to my car, cleaned his wounds with tissues, and asked, "How are you feeling?" Kevin, weak and half-conscious, said, "My head hurts." Remembering how the man had pummeled his head, I was scared. "I'll take you to the hospital!" I said, buckling him in and driving to the nearest hospital. After a thorough examination, the doctor looked at me reproachfully, "Are you his family?"

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