Chapter 6
The slap had stunned everyone present, Gadreel included. Soon, the murmurs, laughs and whispers that filled the small group had died down, leaving everyone to stare in awe and confusion.
Had Ivory, the very same Ivory Remington that they knew, just raised her hand and hit Evangeline?
That was almost too impossible to believe, after all, the woman they all knew and mocked, was too much of a coward to fight back.
And yet, as they watched her, their eyes fell on the angry look on her face and her red hand which still held the position it was in after delivering a harsh slap.
It was clear, from her expression, and from the way her chest rose and fell with heavy breaths, that she was pissed.
This left the crowd speechless and for the first time, they all exchanged glances, silently questioning if Evangeline had crossed a line.
Something they had never done before.
“You…slapped me?” Evangeline, much like everyone present, couldn’t make heads of what had just happened.
It had all happened so fast, leaving her speechless and shocked.
“I did,” Ivory raised her chin high, ignoring the looks she got and most importantly, the eyes of Gadreel that watched her like she had done something totally out of character. “What? You wanna do something about that?”
“You…” Evangeline uttered, finding it hard to comprehend the fact that the lady in front of her was indeed her sister.
It wasn't just the looks, but the character. Something seemed different about the way she was acting.
But Evangeline wasn’t going to allow that deter her. She quickly fixed her composure, taking on an intimidating stance, rather than that of an embarrassed person.
“Have you fallen so low, sister? To the point that you have no control and you dare wrongfully hit your younger sister?”
Oh, she’s playing the victim card; Ivory couldn’t help but chuckle faintly at this, surprising everyone even more.
“Fallen low, well, I’ll leave that to your imagination, but hitting you, yes, I did.” She paused, then added with a smile on her face. “In fact, I’ll do it again if you continue running that mouth of yours. So, be a good bitch and keep shut.”
There were gasps at Ivory’s choice of words and it was clear, that this was something no one had anticipated.
Evangeline felt her face burn hot with embarrassment and anger rushed inside her.
“You-“ She raised her hand in the air before anyone could react and went for Ivory’s face without hesitation.
But Ivory effortlessly caught her wrist and pulled her close, allowing her tone to drop a dangerous notch as she spoke.
“Don’t push your luck, Evangeline Remington. And it would do you good to remember why I dropped out of school.”
Her words were enough to have a shiver run down Evangeline’s spine. For the first time, she couldn’t help but fear the woman before her, not just because she had her by the wrist, but because of the look in her eyes, and her voice, which were filled with disdain she had never heard.
“Now, unless you want a black eye,” Ivory started, pushing her away and smiling. “It would be best to behave and watch your words, after all,” She glanced in Gadreel’s direction. “I am in fact, still your lovers legal wife and I can do as I dim with a homewrecker such as yourself.”
Evangeline stared at her, not sure if she should believe what she was seeing, but at the same and first time, stunned into silence by Ivory.
The air around them was thick, neither member of the group willing to break the silence that had come along with it.
And for the first time, Gadreel looked at his wife with something other than disdain and contempt.
A heartbeat later, Emma’s voice cut through the thick silence as she rushed out.
“Ivy, are you-“
“I’m fine,” she politely interrupted, pushing her way past and purposely bumping shoulders with Evangeline as she walked up to her Best friend and took her hand.
“Let’s go.”
Emma glanced back at the group of people who, once silent, had now began whispering under their breaths, Evangeline who looked red with embarrassment and Gadreel who had an expression, she couldn’t quite read, and nodded her head.
“Sure.” With one last look in their direction, she turned and they walked away.
The walk towards the car was silent, two minutes at tops, but the very moment Emma opened her mouth to ask what had happened, the sound of Ivory’s phone ringing had interrupted her.
Ivory, taking one look at her phone, frowned at the sight of her father name. She didn’t want to answer, but knowing the type of person he had become, she knew he wouldn’t stop calling until he got across to her.
Thus, saving herself that stress, she picked up the phone after a few rings.
Immediately, her ears were blasted by a loud scream. “You ungrateful daughter!” Her father roared. “How dare you bully your sister?!”
Ah, Ivory thought as she slipped into the car, leaving the driving to Emma, so Evangeline had already gone to cry wolf to them.
Faster than she had expected.
“Discipline and bullying are far cry from each other.” She merely said.
Her words however, angered her father, much to her dismay. “Discipline? You call what you did, discipline?” There was a pause for a few seconds and her father’s labored breathing filled the other end before he spoke again. “Come home.”
Ivory frowned. “Pardon?”
“Don’t be stupid!” He roared. “First thing tomorrow morning, come home!”
Ah, she didn’t want to do that, Ivory thought as she clenched her jaw, but after a few seconds, she sighed.
“I understand.”
The line went dead without a second more to spear and Ivory simply stared at her phone.
Was this really how everyone was going to repay her?
Well-she looked out the window, watching as the scenery changed, the street lights flew by- going home wasn’t such a bad idea.
Then, she could see the look and expression on their faces when she tells them about her decision to divorce Gadreel.
It was safe to say, that was something she was looking forward to.
Ivory’s behavior had surprised Gadreel so much, up until the point that he found himself wanting to question her.
His legs had even started moving before his brain had fully processed things, wanting to chase her, but at that very moment, Evangeline caught his forearm.
“What are you doing?” She asked, looking at him with confusion and embarrassment. “Are you… going after her? After what she just did to me?”
Gadreel remained silent. Of course he didn’t dim it fit to truthfully answer that question, because he knew it would only hurt Evangeline more than she already was.
This however, didn’t please her, and she tightened her hold. “Reel,” her voice took on an accusatory tone. “Don’t tell me you’ve developed feelings for her.”
“And wouldn’t it be natural to do so?”
Gadreel’s answer left her speechless, and panicked. Her eyes grew wide and she stuttered.
“She did take care of me for five years and we’ve been married just as long, wouldn’t it be normal to develop feelings for her?” He repeated, clearly this time around and watched Evangeline’s expression.
At first, she seemed panicked, truly so, but then, she released a forced chuckle.
“Y-your right.” She released his arm. “In fact, go. Go after her, I won’t stop you.”
After saying this, she tried to walk away. But Gadreel stopped her, wrapping his arm around her.
“That was just a joke, Eva,” He assured. “Really, I can never have feelings for her.”
“Really?” Evangeline looked up at him with innocent eyes and Gadreel flashed her a faint smile.
“Really. Even if she took care of me for so long, I feel nothing for her. In fact, I keep wishing each day that you were in her shoes.”
“I wish the same but,” Feigning sadness, she clung closer to his chest. “You know I had to leave, right, Reel?"
"I didn’t abandon you, but I couldn’t let my family suffer. We were going through such a hard time, father’s company had just undergone the transfer and so many people doubted Uncle Lucas’s leadership and left. And Ivory, she wasn’t helping matters at that moment, all she wanted to do was find a wealthy man to marry."
"I had to go find a work to support my family, even if that meant leaving you,” Placing her hand on his chest, she added. "Please understand, Reel, it wasn’t my fault. If anything, it’s Ivory’s Fault. She only wanted to think of herself, but, I don’t think she should be blamed for wanting to think about herself alone.”
Gadreel’s gaze darkened the moment he heard this.
Ivory, she was indeed all like he had imagined.
A selfish woman.
“Please Reel,” Evangeline batted her lashes innocently. “Please understand.”
“I do, and I’m not angry,” He said truthfully. “But, that doesn’t mean your actions didn’t hurt me. But that’s all in the past, I’m only looking forward to our future now.”
Evangeline’s face brightened up immediately and she leaned in for a kiss, but at the very last moment, Gadreel stopped her.
“I’m still a married man, Eva,” He pointed out and placed a soft kiss on the top of her head. “Until the divorce has been finalized, let’s take things slowly, okay?”
Although Evangeline didn’t like the idea of that, she agreed, because at the back of her mind, she knew that Gadreel already belonged to her and there was nothing taking him away from her.
Not even Ivory, because she never stood a chance to begin with!