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Chapter 9 Personal Assistant.

Damian. “Care to explain your interest in her? You've never been really interested in the workers before.” Harold asked over the phone. He was being suspicious, and I could understand him. Heck! I was suspicious of myself too. “Well, up until a few minutes ago, I had no idea she was a worker. I think I would have recognized her had I met her before.” “Oh you won't.” Harold snorted. “Trust me, you have seen her before.” I immediately took a brief walk down my memory lane. However, apart from yesterday when we had met at the club, I could swear I had never seen Charlotte my whole life. “No way. I would recognize her if we had met before.” “Well, I think this is my cue to remind you of where you met. Remember the five year anniversary of the company last year? The lady who had given the opening speech?” “Stop shitting me. There is no way she was that lady. They look nothing alike.” “Well, I didn't say she was the one.” Remember the lady that sat beside her?” “How could I remember her? She had her back to me!” Harold let out a rueful laugh. He was deliberately messing with me. “Calm your balls down and listen to me.” He said in-between laughs. “I have been listening, but you haven't said anything that made sense. At least, not yet. You keep playing around.” “It is so easy to rile you up. But being serious now, you guys interacted that day. I think outside the venue. You helped her with an umbrella. Remember it rained and she had difficulties getting to her car?” Now that Harold explained, my memories became a bit direct. Truly that had happened at the anniversary party, I couldn't put a face to whom I had helped with an umbrella. How was it possible that I had met Charlotte before and didn't recognize her? “I really cannot remember the face.” I muttered. How could I have forgotten someone with her unique looks and figure. “But you remember the scenario, right?” “ I think I do. I do.” I repeated. “Now, tell me. Why do you want to find her if it's not about the company?” “Ummm. It's personal.” “I know.” I was quiet for a few minutes, unsure of what more to say. I trusted Harold, and I would even with my life, but I wasn't sure how he was going to react. “So, I met her at the club yesterday.” I broke the news to Harold and he began laughing. “Was there anything funny in my words?” I asked with a frown. “I am sorry.” Harold apologized, still laughing. “I just couldn't believe you would have seen someone like Miss Charlotte at the club.” “And how is meeting her at the club funny?” I couldn't understand how my words were funny. “Stop laughing, Harold. This isn't funny. “Sorry.” Harold apologized again. However, just like his first apologies, they didn't sound sincere. I would rather trust a crocodile's tears than that apology. “But on a serious note, there's no way you could have seen Miss Charlotte in a club. Perhaps, just maybe you mistook her for someone else.” “And the name too?” I asked rhetorically. “She was the one, and I am sure of it.” “Okay then. So, what happened? Did she leave an impression on you or maybe something happened?” “A one night stand.” Telling Harold this felt like I was kissing and telling, but I told him anyway. Harold let out a louder laugh this time and I hissed in anger. Why was he being so annoying? “I don't think you have the right person, Damian. I ran some background checks on her before she was hired, and trust me, she doesn't fit this description you are giving at the moment.” “I mean, she has always been a workaholic, and outside work and work functions, you would never see her anywhere again. And what? A club? You guys drank and had a one night stand? I am not sure. So if this is a joke, I think you need to find another.” “I am being serious, Harold. Stop laughing. It's not funny, and I'm definitely not blind. I recognize her quite well.” Hearing the firmness in my voice, Harold clamped his mouth shut. Perhaps he has only just realized I was being serious. Thinking about it now, Charlotte was actually weird the night before. She had told Brain, the bartender, it was her first time in a club, and had taken quite a number of drinks before she calmed down a little. What had changed with her yesterday night? Then I remembered. She also told Brian it was her birthday Eve, and she got a raise at her work place. It was her. Now, I was even more convinced. “I think I know the reason for the change yesterday.” I muttered loud enough for Harold to hear. “You said she would be resuming on Monday, right?” “Yes. I did.” Harold confirmed. “Great. So, what were the perks that came with her promotion?” “Um… A raise in her paycheck obviously, and an office of her own, and an apartment. I think that's basically it.” “Well, I think I might have to make some other provisions. What do you think?” “I'm not sure what you mean, but shoot. Let me hear what it is you have in mind.” “What do you think of a personal assistant and an official car?” “What? That's not possible. I mean, we didn't make any provision for those. Plus, I think she will be flying tomorrow. We don't have enough time for that.” “I guess the apartment is furnished, right?” “No. She is supposed to do that herself. Don't tell me you want to add that to the list too.” Harold begged. “I only think it would be a nice idea.” “How good was the night stand that you're going this far? Hm?” “I guess we have agreed on those then. A raise, a fully furnished apartment, an official car and a personal assistant.” Harold let out a huge sigh. “Well, what about a driver? What if she doesn't drive? And how are we supposed to find her a personal assistant on the weekend?” “She doesn't drive?” “Well, we can't be too sure. She has a license, but she doesn't own a car. I mean, she earned enough at her former position, but looking at her records from here, she doesn't own any car.” “Well, that's not bad. Her personal assistant could always drive her. Instead of hiring a driver, we can just have her personal assistant assist her by her side.” “Well, wouldn't we be overworking the person that way? The worker's protection act too?” I could hear Harold's sigh in his words, but I wasn't planning on giving up so easily. He'd cave in soon. I was so sure of it. “No. We'd reach an agreement with the person and pay just enough for their job.” “Okay. So why are you going this far? I don't understand you, Damian. You're acting very weird at the moment. Plus, do you have someone in mind for the personal assistant?” “What do you mean weird?” I feigned ignorance. “Plus, I think I would be needing a new job. I should stop slacking around like you've always asked.” “Good thinking. You could take up some company roles. When do you plan on going public?” “Well, Monday. I'll be Charlotte's personal assistant.” I beamed proudly.

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