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" I will drive," Mateo said simply, reaching out and taking the car key from Rafael unsuspecting hands. Rafael stops, staring surprisingly at his now empty palms. " You should work on your reflex." Mateo slipped into the driver seat of the car and honked loudly when Rafael made no attempt to move from where he stood. Rafael slipped into the car grudgingly, but Mateo ignores him. " So, Nada," he said instead, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel of the car as he reversed out from the hotel. " That's weird. It's almost as if she was never in the hotel," Rafael answered. " By the way, I haven't forgotten what you just did, Karma is a bitch, you know." Mateo shaked his head. " Grow up, Raf. It's not..." " You never let me drive your car, why should you drive mine?" Rafael crossed his arms, his body facing Mateo. " There is no way in hell you are driving my babies. You drive like a mayhem, and there is no way I'm about to let you wreck them... Shh, Déjame terminar..." Mateo raised a hand into the air. " ... You never wash them when you are done, and the last time I let you drive my Ferrari, Olía a vómito el siguiente día cuando quería conducirlo!" Rafael leaned back into his seat, uncrossing his arms. He stared straight ahead, his throat working as he swallowed his spit. Mateo was getting annoyed. Rafael knew because he rarely spoke Spanish if he was not with family members. " That's what I thought," Mateo said when he waited, but Rafael said nothing. " Now, can we talk about more important things." It wasn't a question. Rafael nodded. Mateo sighed, his fingers beginning their tap sequence on the steer wheel once again. " I was trying to say that it's not weird that it seems she disappeared into thin air. If we go with our logic, it's only right that she covered her tracks or they covered it for her." Mateo's brows were drawn together, his fingers now tapping to a rhythm. " We will need to speak with the staffs on shift last night, then," Rafael suggested, the fight over whom gets to drive whose car over and forgotten. Mateo nodded. " You would need to get the list of the staffs on shift last night and then assign some..." " Mateo?" Rafael called, interrupting him. Mateo glanced at him, his eyebrows raised high into his forehead. " I would need the list of the staffs on shift last night - which I would get from the receptionist desk. Then, I need to assign our people to track each staff and figure out the best time and place to talk to them. Also, the security and surveillance staffs would be more helpful in this situation." Mateo glanced at Rafael again to find him looking at him with raised eyebrows and turned up nose. " Point taken," He replied, the right corner of his lips tugging up. " I will see which of the boys are good for this." Rafael grabbed his iPad. " Diego," Mateo said suddenly. Rafael gave him a look. " My name is Rafael, man. Is the drugs still messi..." Mateo shaked his head. " Last night while we were having sex, I remember her calling out that name," Mateo divulged. Rafael stared at him, his mouth slightly open. " What?" " She called another guy's name while you were drilling her pussy?" He asked. You love the way my dick drills into you, don't you? Mateo paused. Is that a memory from last night? Maybe the memories would come back once the effects of the drug completely wears off, or maybe with triggers, just the way Rafael's words had triggered this particular memory. " Oh my world!" Rafael exclaimed, taking Mateo's silence as him feeling embarrassed by that. " You must have sucked man if she was calling someone else's name while you were fucking her!" Mateo glared at Rafael. " I need a file on my desk this night on each and every Diego there is in Navarre, got it?" Rafael's laughed, but when he glanced up at Mateo's face, his laughter slowly died off. " You are kidding, right?" " Do I look like I am?" Mateo snapped. " But that's impossible!" Rafael whined. " I already have a lot of work to do at the office, mind you." " Make it possible then," Mateo said nonchalantly, stopping the car in front of their office building. He stepped out without giving Rafael anymore opportunity to whine in his ears. He moved to stand in front of the car, legs wide apart, hands in his pants pocket and gazed up at the company that his father and mother had built together. Papa. Mama. I'm finally back. And I'm going to get back what's rightfully ours. " What of tomorrow morning?" Rafael came to stand beside him. " That will be my good morning, I promise." " When I say this night, I mean this night," Mateo stood his ground. He threw the car key at Rafael, who caught it. " Nice reflex. Park it." Before Rafael could say anything in reply, Mateo was already striding through the revolving entrance door of the building. He stared at his magnificent back, cursing the day that his parents decided that it was a good idea to join Mateo's parents pack and become their closest friends. " Just my luck," he muttered, moving to the driver side of the car. Mateo strode pass the reception area of the building, very much aware of the stares and glances he was attracting. He had once been told that when he walked, it was as if nothing could stop him. That he had such confident and decisive strides that is only completed by his aura of power. Humans. Only if they knew that he actually had powers. Making his way to the elevator, he stood in front of it with some of the employees of the company waiting for the elevator shaft to land. Glances were cast his way once again. Paying them no heed, he pulled out his phone from his suit pocket, going through his schedule for today that his secretary - who had no idea who he was, yet - had sent to him last night. Talk about a tightly packed schedule. Good thing I moved the meeting early this morning to late morning. Seems like I still have a good minutes to myself before I introduce myself to the company's staff. No one here knew who the new managing director of the Navarre branch of the Bodegas De Los Garcias was, yet at least. Mateo was enjoying the mystery, and he was planning to use it to his advantage before he would get introduced to everyone. A smug smirk tugged at the corner of his lips and just then, the elevator arrived with a tinge. The door opened and everyone made a rush of getting into it. Lack of decorum. Mateo stood, waiting until everyone else was inside before he stepped in.

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