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CHAPTER 1: The accident

Feeling the weight of solitude on the empty night, Burdened by the truth she had just uncovered about her fiancé, Seeking solace, Linda found herself at a bustling club. The club lights rotated, their LED glow casting shifting shadows that mirrored the various activities taking place within. As she stepped in, the scene overwhelmed her: Figures swayed in sync with the pulsating music, moving to its rhythm with fluidity and grace, glasses clinking, whispers mingling, and make outs, Repulsed by the scene, she disguised herself as she approached the bar and quietly requested, "A shot of tequila, please." With pain etched on her face, she requested another shot, quietly pleading, "One more, please," before swiftly downing it and offering a curt "thank you." Still unsatisfied, she then inquired, "Can I have the strongest liquor you've got?" The attendant hesitated, questioning, "Are you certain you can handle it?" "Just get the damn drink," she snapped impatiently. Growing increasingly uneasy, she started to feel lightheaded. As she struggled to maintain her balance, a supportive hand steadied her, accompanied by a cautious voice. "Easy there," the voice cautioned. In her intoxicated state, she mistook the gesture for that of her fiancé, Robert, the very man who had shattered her trust by cheating with both her best friend and half-sister. With a surge of anger, she lashed out, slapping Vincent, mistaking the person for Robert. "Robert!" she cried out, her voice thick with emotion. "I despise you! How could you betray me like this? Why?" Her words trembled with hurt and betrayal. "You not only broke my heart but also betrayed our bond by sleeping with Caroline my best friend and Emily, my half-sister!" His surprise evident, he gazed at the fragile figure before him and with a mix of frustration and confusion, he walked away, heading to the bar in search of clarity. "One shot," he requested promptly, seeking solace in the familiar burn of alcohol as soon as he reached the bar. Suddenly, a wave of heat washed over Linda, and despite her attempts to compose herself, the effect of the drink became overwhelming. In a haze, she reached out for Vincent, seeking solace in his embrace. He halted her advances, "what are you trying to do’’ he asked, his tone icy sending shivers down her spine. Yet, in her altered state, Linda's actions captivated Vincent, and despite his initial resistance, he succumbed to his desires, letting passion take hold. The intense emotions surged between them, igniting a hunger that neither could suppress. For Linda, these sensations were unfamiliar yet intoxicating, and she yearned for them to continue unabated. Without hesitation, Liam unlocked the door to an opulent lounge. Lost in their passionate embrace, he guided her to a private room, their embrace unbroken as they moved. A soft sigh slipped from Linda's lips as Vincent's touch intensified, his mouth finding its way to her breasts. Overwhelmed by desire, Vincent found himself unable to resist the urge for more. As their intimacy deepened, Linda's cry echoed through the room as Liam entered her, unaware of the pain he caused. Lost in the moment, Vincent continued with fervor, oblivious to the harm he inflicted. Through her tears, Linda pleaded, "Please... I can't..." her voice choked with anguish. Despite Linda's desperate pleas for Vincent to stop, her apologies fell on deaf ears. After satisfying his desires, he pulled out and she drifted into sleep. The following morning, she found herself greeted by a strange figure, his features obscured by the shadows "You're awake?" he asked gently. "Who are you? What have you done to me?" She demanded, memories of the previous night flooding back. Overwhelmed with shame as she pieced together the events of the night, Linda attempted to leave, but her legs gave way beneath her. Observing the bloodstain on the bed, she realized she had surrendered her dignity to a stranger. Determined to conceal the evidence of her vulnerability, she discreetly concealed the bedspread, feigning composure despite her inner turmoil. "Leaving already?" he said, his voice resonating like a haunting melody in the night. Startled, she turned to face him, only to be met with a revelation that left her breathless. Lost in the stranger's gaze, she was startled when Liam coughed and offered her a drink. "Take this, it'll help with your hangover" he said gently Caught off guard, "Thank you" she managed to say. As her chest rose and fell rapidly, Vincent began to explore her body with slow, deliberate movements, his touch sending shivers down her spine. Leaning close, he whispered into her ear, his words a stark contrast to his actions. Gently, Vincent lifted her chin, drawing her face closer to his. Frightened of what he might do next, Linda continued to sob. "Please... please," she pleaded, her voice strained with pain. Linda found herself overwhelmed by intense emotions, her body reacting to his touch in ways she couldn't control. Lost in the presence of the enigmatic figure before her, she was rendered speechless. "Go take a shower" he instructed. As Linda retreated to the bathroom, she couldn't shake thoughts of their encounter, the way he made her feel, causing a flush of embarrassment to creep across her cheeks. She gently tapped her cheeks, staring at her reflection in the mirror. ‘’Linda, wake up!’’ She urged herself. ‘’Stop dreaming’’ He doesn’t know you and certainly won’t fall for someone like you’’. Emerging from the shower, her long legs glistening, hair tousled, she exuded a captivating aura. Despite his desire, Vincent restrained himself, allowing her to rest. "Good, now rest," he said, his tone commanding. And like a compliant pet, she obeyed. In the evening, Linda woke up to find Vincent seated on the sofa, his composed demeanor dominating the room with an air of authority. "I see you're awake," he acknowledged, his presence commanding her attention. ‘’Yes’’, she replied His cold gaze bore into her as he demanded, "What do you need?" Stammering nervously and confused, Linda replied, "N-nothing... I... I mean, nothing..." "Who are you?" Vincent pressed, his tone sharp. "And who sent you?" Linda swallowed hard, fear tightening her throat. "I'm... I'm... my name's Linda..." she mumbled, her head bowed in submission. Vincent recognized her demeanor, having encountered similar women before, but Linda's success in gaining his attention surprised him. Suspicion crept into his gaze as he questioned her once more, his tone icy, "Who sent you?" Her heart racing, Linda trembled with fear. With a gulp, she responded hastily, No...no one... I'm just someone who... Interrupting her, Vincent declared, "Enough. It was merely a one night stand, nothing noteworthy." Stung by his words, Linda repeated, "Just a one night stand?" Meeting her gaze, Vincent confirmed, "Yes. Isn't that what it was? We both indulged, and girls like you willingly offer themselves to guys especially when it involves money!" Hurt by his callousness, Linda masked her emotions, refusing to show weakness in his presence. With a forced chuckle, she replied, "Hey, don't take me too serious. It was indeed just a one-night stand, as you said, and nothing special about it." Vincent instructed her to dress and tossed some cash her way. "Here, take this and you can go. After all, this is what you're after," he stated coldly. Linda glanced at the cash, her expression conveying disgust. "Hey!’’ she shouted in response. ‘’What the hell was that?’’ she asked, her tone laced with disdain. ‘’ I don’t fucking need your money, you can keep it or give it to someone who needs it." With that, she dressed and exited the lounge. As she departed, he noticed the bedspread lying on the floor and puzzled over why it was there. ‘’Why is this on the floor?’’ he mused aloud, addressing no one in particular. ‘’Did she drop it on her way out?’’ Upon picking it, he was startled by the sight of a red stain. ’’What?’’ he exclaimed in disbelief. ‘’She was a Virgin?’’ He couldn’t comprehend why a virgin would be at the club. Memories of the night began flooding back to him. Overwhelmed by the events of the past few days, Linda found herself quietly sobbing. Suddenly, a call came through, and on the other end was her best friend Caroline, the same woman her fiancé had cheated on her with her half- sister Emily. Suppressing her anger and hurt, she answered the call with a composed tone. "Hey, what's up?" she greeted. Caroline’s concerned voice filled the line. "Linda, where are you? We've all been worried – mom, dad, Robert, and I. Where have you been?" Tired of the pretense, Linda replied calmly, "I'm sorry for worrying you all. I ended up crashing at a friend's place because it got late, and my phone died." Relieved, Caroline responded, "Thank goodness you're okay. So, how are the preparations for the engagement going?" her tone laced with sarcasm. Linda maintained her composure. "The preparations are going smoothly. I actually need your help to get Robert's input since you know his taste better than anyone." Caroline's nails dug into her palms as she struggled to maintain composure. "Ooh come on. I’ve known Robert for years. Obviously, I understand his preferences better than anyone." Fueled by anger and disgust, Linda inwardly sneered at Caroline's remark, knowing the truth about her betrayal. After the call ended, Caroline hailed a cab to return home, emotions swirling within her. LUCAS HOME Brandy Lucas remained engrossed in his favorite TV show as Linda entered, failing to acknowledge her greetings. With a deep breath, Linda tried again, "Good evening, Dad." "And what's good about the evening?" he snapped back at her, his tone harsh. "Where have you been? You're always out fooling around. Your engagement to the Park is fast approaching, and you're busy wasting time!" His words carried a threat as he continued, "If anything goes wrong with this engagement, I'll disown you!" Caroline's eyes narrowed with a mix of anger and hurt as she was taken aback by her father's threats. Despite the shock, she let out a loud, bitter chuckle. "If you're so eager to disown me, why wait? Do it now! What kind of father are you, willing to trade your own daughter for money? What has gotten into you, Father? I regret the day you became my father... I regret ever calling you..." Before she could finish her sentence, Brandy silenced her with a slap, his voice demanding as he ordered, "Go to your room now! I am your father, and you will listen to me. Whether you like it or not, you will marry into the Park’s family!" As she made her way to her room, tears streaming down her face and feeling hurt and disgusted by her father's actions, she encountered her step mother on the stairs, Even though her own eyes were red from crying, her stepmother reached out, saying, "Linda dear, I'm sorry you're dealing with this. Your father can be obstinate; he doesn't listen to me either." Annoyed and disgusted by her stepmother's presence and pretense, Linda responded curtly, "Natasha, kindly mind your business and stay out of mine." Natasha stepped closer to her and said, "Why can't you just heed your father's wishes? He only wants what's best for you, for us, and for the family. Quit being stubborn and agree to the marriage." Just then, a maid entered the scene, interrupting their conversation. "Ma'am, there's someone requesting to see you." "Thank you, let her in," her step mother replied. Turning back to her step daughter, she said, "Linda dear, go to your room and freshen up. I'll ask the chef to prepare your favorite." Linda scoffed at her and proceeded to her room. Along the way, she encountered her half-sister Emily, who rushed towards her with a venomous glare, saying, "Robert belongs to me and me alone. Leave him for me, you shameless woman. The Park family doesn't suit you, but it does suit me." Linda chuckled and responded to her calmly, "You must be mad for you to think you’re worthy of the Park family. I wonder how the Park would feel once they discover you're an illegitimate daughter." With that, she left Emily standing there, feeling utterly helpless. ‘’Mom’’ she shouted ‘’Yes, dear, What’s the matter?’’ she asked. ‘’Linda is of no good for us. You wouldn't believe she called me an illegitimate child of the family." She said, her voice filled with anger. ‘’She did?’’ she asked, her tone laced with anger. ‘’How dare she?’’ The chef interrupted her, ‘’ma am, I’m done with the meal. Should I serve it out or….’’ "Don't worry, Mr. Smith, I'll handle it from here. You're off for the day," she assured him. He graciously thanked her and left.
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