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Chapter 6

While her back healed from the lashings, Evelyn spent the next few days recuperating at home. She made good use of her free time and texted Jasper constantly, reminding him of her presence. However, Jasper hardly ever responded to her texts. When he did, the replies were either vague or monosyllabic. His top three were "We'll see", "Got it", and "Sure". Most of the time, he simply ignored her. Evelyn was starting to think Jasper might have a limited vocabulary. … A week later, Gretchen finally cooled off enough to speak to Evelyn. "How's your back?" Evelyn answered, "It's getting better." "Good." Gretchen called out to Marie over her shoulder, "Marie! Mr. Monroe would like fish chowder tomorrow, but Evelyn needs something more nutritious, or she won't recover. Make her something else, will you?" Marie obliged. Evelyn knew Gretchen well enough to understand that the older woman was too stubborn and prideful to apologize first. She had approached Evelyn and shown concern for her to prove her intention to make up. Evelyn would have been touched had Gretchen not suddenly whispered cryptically, "Did you know that Advent Group recently acquired Elmston Bay?" Stiffening, Evelyn gaped at her and waited for her to continue. "You're friends with Mr. Richmond, aren't you? Ask him if Advent Group has any development plans for Elmston Bay and see if you can hook me up for a project. How about it?" Evelyn's heart grew cold when she realized Gretchen had only bothered apologizing to her because she wanted Jasper's favor. "He and I aren't that close," Evelyn bit out, staring at the tub of salve Gretchen had given her earlier. For some reason, the tub felt heavy like it had been filled with lead. Gretchen's expression soured. "Why would he bother escorting you home if you weren't close? You were out all night with him. If that isn't 'close,' I don't know what is! "Is this how you repay me for raising you? I did not raise you to be an ingrate who takes everything for granted!" Evelyn's nails dug so hard into her palms that they nearly tore through her skin. After a long pause, she said with resignation, "I'll try to talk to him." "There's a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the handover of Elmston Bay. Jasper is the biggest stakeholder, so he'll be attending. You're coming with me," Gretchen said as she tossed the two invitations on the table, then turned to head upstairs. … Two days later, Evelyn found herself attending the ribbon-cutting ceremony with Gretchen. The ceremony was held within Elmston Bay. A stage had been set up on the large plain, and the surrounding area had been opulently decorated, courtesy of Advent Group's very deep coffers. Aside from the other backers and collaborators of the project, several well-known media agencies had been invited as well. Camera flashes went off as reporters hoisted up their recording equipment. Evelyn watched as Jasper gave his speech on stage and could not help but muse over how heaven had blessed him with more good features than most. He cut a dashing, elegant silhouette and possessed a face so handsome that any woman would fawn over him. However, his eyes were dark and sharp as if conveying the ambitions of a man who had the upper hand in every situation. This was a man who would not yield his position or power without one hell of a fight. When Jasper was done with his speech, he swept his gaze over the audience. Evelyn might have imagined it, but she thought he had glanced in her direction. A small cocktail party followed the ribbon-cutting ceremony, allowing the guests to mingle. Evelyn grabbed two flutes of champagne and, with no small amount of exasperation, sought out Jasper. She approached him and handed him one of the champagne flutes. "Care to join me for a drink, Mr. Richmond?" Jasper gave her a dispassionate look as he took the drink. "So, which unsuspecting industry bigwig does your aunt want you to unleash your feminine wiles upon? Assuming that's why she brought you here, that is." Evelyn froze. He certainly did not mince words or beat around the bush. She half-joked, "I'm afraid you're the victim of the day. She sent me here to woo you." He barked a humorless laugh. "May as well give up now. You're not worth that much to me." Evelyn frowned at the scathing words and wondered what she had done to warrant such passive aggression. He continued sarcastically, "I would never have known that something was going on between us if I hadn't come to the ribbon-cutting ceremony today." "What?" "No need to act dumb, Ms. Monroe. Your aunt's been telling everyone that you and I are 'more than just associates.' Don't you know she's putting out the rumors to bait the other stakeholders?" Jasper raised a brow as he eyed Evelyn with icy amusement. He sounded nonchalant and breezy, but she did not miss the contempt and disparagement in his tone. Taking a deep breath, Evelyn ground out, "I really didn't know." Jasper clearly did not believe her. "You called me on purpose to let me 'accidentally' hear your aunt punishing you, and for what? To gain my sympathy? Did your aunt even whip you at all, or was that just an act from the both of you?" His harsh words and accusations were so out of the blue that Evelyn couldn't help gaping at him. She then remembered what happened the night when she called him. She had checked her call log the next day and discovered that the call had gone on for eight minutes, even though she remembered hanging up after they exchanged a few words. She thought she might have been drowsy from the fever, but she didn't expect such a misunderstanding to sprout from this. Jasper hissed, "Save your dirty tricks for someone else. There's a higher chance of you getting what you want by asking me outright than to play these games." Evelyn bristled. Thick-skinned or not, she refused to stand there and take his accusations in stride. "You don't have to believe me, but I swear, I had no idea of the rumors my aunt has been spreading behind our backs. "I'll tell her to stop using your name to get what she wants. I'm sure anyone with eyes can tell that you and I are not on such close terms that we'd have anything going on between us." With that, Evelyn turned to leave, only to collide with a passing attendant. She twisted her ankle and fell on Jasper. She was wearing a bandeau dress trimmed with white fur that accentuated her sumptuous curves and slender frame. When she fell, her torso was practically pressed up against Jasper. A slight dip of his head offered Jasper a view that left little to the imagination. He quickly averted his gaze. The proximity with Evelyn had irked him at first, and he did not care that she was showing this much skin, but he couldn't help the dark fire that burned within him. He normally had more self-control around women. While he had slept with Evelyn before and admitted to lusting over her, he was not so enthralled by her company that the slightest touch from her would set his urges alight. Jasper sensed the odd, tingling shift in his body. There was something wrong with him, and his sudden arousal had nothing to do with his thoughts about Evelyn. He clutched Evelyn's arm and bit out, "What the hell did you put in my drink?" Before she could answer him, he dragged her into the private room and slammed the door shut behind him. At once, the noise outside was cut off, and a deathly silence hung between them. Evelyn panicked when she saw his bloodshot eyes. She had taken the champagne from the attendant. Had the drinks been spiked? "C-Calm down… I'll go and get a doctor…" As soon as the words left her mouth, a chill ran over her skin. Her dress had been ripped apart, and her alabaster skin was exposed to the cool air. She gasped and tried to fight back, but Jasper grabbed her wrists to keep her contained. He was bigger and stronger than her, overpowering her. A forceful tug from him nearly tore the newly healed lashings on her back. She hissed aloud as tears sprang to her eyes. "Ow!" Jasper scoffed, thinking she was still pretending. "Don't cry out in pain when we haven't even started. Isn't this what you wanted?" He then noticed the scars on her back. Most of them had scabbed, but the sight of them against her smooth, alabaster back was jarring. She had even dabbed makeup over the scars to cover them up for the ceremony. At once, Jasper's mouth went dry. He instinctively softened his grip on her. When the fever dream-like ordeal ended, Evelyn stalked off to the corner. She kept her back to Jasper as she quietly pulled on her dress. Much to her dismay, the traitorous zipper refused to be tugged upward. She was still struggling with the zipper when Jasper walked over and helped her with it. She flinched at his warm touch as if it burned her and said, "I got the champagne from the attendant. I didn't know it was spiked." In a rare show of patience and compassion, Jasper said, "I see."

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